Meeting 1 - 2019-10-30

Meeting 1 - 2019-10-30


  1. Introductions
  2. Review of SIG Goals
  3. Known Issues
  4. “Unknown Issues” and Use Cases
  5. Planning


Discussion was by issue raised in the slides.

Issue #1: it was noted that there were many different versions of GPAs possible, and that it was probably not possible to capture these variations by a predefined number of properties, such as weighted/unweighted. For example, some GPAs can be defined as calculations of a subset of course work (e.g. "last 3 math courses"), or sometimes courses are excluded from GPA calculations. As such, the identity of a GPA is probably not derivable only from top-level properties. 

Issue #2: it was agreed that this association is problem (one member characterized it as a "nightmare"). It was reflected that another layer could be the solution. 

Issue #3: it was agreed that this is a problem. The current subject list was also observed to be small.

Other: a number of other issues and concerns was raised: 

  • A more complete academic record is likely needed. Other indicators (distinctions, badges, service records, etc.) find their way onto transcripts.
  • An exchange mechanism that focuses on a complete student transcript was cited as a need. Right now, the APIs offer only data that must be joined by a reading API client to get the entire transcript (captured as  DATASTD-1411 - Getting issue details... STATUS )
  • Sometimes there are codes associated with course transcripts to provide other indicators. A common one would be "AP"; also in some cases courses are flagged to indicate exclusion from GPA calculations.
  • It would be good to move letter grades to a descriptor so that they can be validated more easily (these are not open-ended).
  • A transcript image might also be helpful.
  • The application of transcript data to graduation requirements is another key use case/concern.


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