Expanding Date Support in Ed-Fi Technology

Expanding Date Support in Ed-Fi Technology


The Ed-Fi Alliance is investigating approaches to enhancing Ed-Fi technology to provide expanded support for use cases related to historical data. The requirements are being detailed out in two distinct – but related – threads of work: (a) adding dates to the Ed-Fi Unifying Data Model, and (b) adding temporal support in the Ed-Fi ODS/API. The document in the right panel provides additional details.

This "Dates SIG" has been established to gather Ed-Fi stakeholder input and feedback aimed at refining requirements for these efforts. 

Expected participation includes reviewing material circulated to the group, participating in a minimum of three webinars, and providing feedback to the Alliance. The anticipated dates for the SIG meetings are provided below, and materials to be discussed in the webinars will be circulated beforehand. Additional webinars may be scheduled if further discussion is required.

Meeting Schedule

WebinarDate & Time
Webinar 1: Review draft of requirements for the Ed-Fi Temporal ODS/API.

Thursday 5/19/2016

2:00 PM – 3:00 PM CST
Webinar 2: Review “UDM Date Analysis”

Tuesday 6/7/2016

3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CST
Webinar 3:Review Temporal ODS Use Case Details

Tuesday 6/14/2016

3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CST
Webinar 4: Review Modelling options for "UDM Dates"

Tuesday 9/20/2016

2:00 PM – 3:00 PM CST



Nebraska Department of Education

 Jill Aurand
Texas Education Agency

 Fuat Aki

 Stephanie Keene


Denver School of Science and Technology

 Jake Firman
 Portland Public Schools Niku Shreiner
SIS   Infinite Campus Jon Berry


James Robertson


Neal Schuh

System Integrator Educuity Geoff McElhanon
Convening  MSDF

Jami O'Toole

Mike Baur 

Ed-Fi Alliance

Chris Moffatt

Eric Jansson



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