Course Transcript Exchange

Course Transcript Exchange


The number and scope of projects involving course transcript data has grown dramatically over the past two years. Many projects are now using Ed-Fi standards and technology to gather transcript data, combine it strategically with other student data, and catalyze the resulting collection into actionable insights that are transforming student opportunity.

This growth in use of transcript data has also revealed opportunities for improvement in the core data model. These include (but are not limited to) questions about the proper level of referentiality in the model (e.g. in order to encourage high quality data management practices but also allow for flexibility where needed), the use of overlapping systems for aggregating credits towards various requirements or benchmarks, and related issues like GPA representation.

The SIG is also explicitly seen as a community "check in" on other areas for improvement that may not yet have been shared between community members or outside localized projects.

The goals of the Special Interest Group are to:

  1. Gather input on opportunities for expansion and improvement of the data model and API, particularly those changes needed by active field work
  2. Recommend changes to the data model and related standards artifacts to assist in greater adoption and usage, and remove roadblocks


Participation is open to anyone in the Ed-Fi community who is interested in the scope of this SIG. However, we are particularly looking for participation from projects actively using the course transcript domain. 

To participate, please contact eric.jansson@ed-fi.org


  • Eric Jansson (inactive account)
  • Mary Mitchem, Georgetown ISD
  • amit.raval (Unlicensed), Arizona DOE
  • Shrikant Jannu, GreenLight Credentials
  • Jason Weaver, Parchment

  • Kenny Burnham, Parchment

  • Eric Reeves, GreenLight Credentials
  • Tarun Verma, Amazon Web Services
  • Pamela Kott, Eduphoric
  • Kristyn Edney, Dallas County Promise
  • Eric Ban, Dallas County Promise
  • Jen Downey, Infinite Campus
  • Tom Christensen, Wisconsin DPI
  • Juan Pablo Rodriguez, San Diego County Office of Education
  • John Watson, San Diego County Office of Education



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