Meeting 2 - 2019-07-12
Meeting 2 - 2019-07-12
- Demo of proof-of-concept for using Google Classroom as a medium for publishing classroom-level insights (Silvia)
- Results from outreach to districts on
- use of grades in Classroom and value of Classroom→district gradebook integration
- pain of roster integration
- Discussion of priority use cases to solve for
- (Time permitting) discussion of technical options.
- John Raub , Wisconsin DPI
- Audrey Shay (Unlicensed) , Wisconsin DP
- Marcos Alcozer , InnovateEDU
Suganya Rajendran , Certica Solutions
- Brittany Mennuti, Google
- Silvia Brunet Jones MSDF
- Douglas Loyo, contractor to MSDF
- Emilio Baez, contractor to MSDF
- Eric Jansson (inactive account)
There was a demo of an integration of Google classroom spike that showed automated rostering and publication of insights from Ed-Fi ODS. The demo used the Classroom API and direct ODS database access, though API access is feasible. Most of the discussion revolved around the use (#2) of publishing insights.
Survey results from WI districts were presented by John Raub. (Can we get the link to the spreadsheet?)
Conversation was wide-ranging and rather than capture all points, the attempt was to build those into the attached Report Out document (published as a draft). There was less time for exploration of the 3rd use case revolving around grades.