RVWG 2022-01-11 Meeting
RVWG 2022-01-11 Meeting
First Name | Last Name | Organization |
David | Clements | Ed-Fi Alliance |
Rosh Joshua | Dhanawade | Indiana University/INSITE |
LaQuinta | Extine | Leon County Schools |
Stephen | Fuqua | Ed-Fi Alliance |
Erik | Joranlien | Education Analytics |
Glynn | Ligon | ESP Solutions Group, Inc. |
Vinaya | Mayya | Ed-Fi Alliance |
Andrew | Rice | Education Analytics |
Jim | Rife | ESP Solutions Group, Inc. |
Eric | Rindal | Walla Walla Public Schools |
Saybah-Katrina | Russ | Instrinsic Schools |
Jeremy | Thigpen | ESP Solutions Group, Inc. |
The meeting was held on 2022-01-11 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm CT, via WebEx
Meeting recording LINK
Agenda/Meeting Notes
- RVWG Charter Updated
- Community sharing data out strategies
- Future meetings to include 1 or 2 demos each
- Ed-Fi RVWG - Data Out Strategies - members to add information
- Community sharing data out strategies
- Demo from Rosh of INSite and Andrew Rice of Education Analytics on data out strategy they have used for getting data from Ed-Fi.
- INsite demo - Rosh Dhanawade
- Data out tooling
- Tries to hit as many use cases
- Custom solutions for districts
- Tight control over access to data
- Set up as collaboratives of public school districts
- Use Case #1
- Ed-Fi core dashboard deployment by DoubleLine initially
- INdash - new INsite Dashboard
- Surfacing as many use cases districts have
- Most common use cases illuminated directly from ODS
- Built with Clear Launch
- Analytics middle tier for security model single sign-on
- Community release has different view design
- Single API for 28 districts on v2.0; for v3.3, individual APIs for 3 NM districts
- Use Case #2
- FlexPort provides an ad hoc SQL based reporting structure to directly query the data for custom reports or analysis
- Use Case #3
- EdWire and IDEX access the data via a copy of the ODS exposed through creating views that mimic the structure of the ODS
- Security for flexport solution and EdWire solution
- Flexport - for particular user; manually add user to operations cockpit; limited number of users
- EdWire - affiliate account access to ETL server with admin right; SQL user connect with production ODS server
- IDEX - API driven
- Flexport - for particular user; manually add user to operations cockpit; limited number of users
- Data out tooling
- Education Analytics demo - Erik Joranlien, Andrew Rice
- Connected to Snowflake and Power BI
- Use API, ELT, modern contact
- JSON payload
- Offer data warehouses
- Configurability, extensibility, modularity, performance
- Creates a disconnected data warehouse that is populated on a scheduled base via the ODS/API using dbt. The data warehouse is stored in SnowFlake which provides a fast and disconnected source for reporting
- Open source module to be available to add on and localize
- Version controlled
- Update frequency from ODS to data warehouse
- V2.0 - full drop - may take one day
- V3.0 - advantage of change query - running nightly; may change to hourly
- Connected to Snowflake and Power BI
- INsite demo - Rosh Dhanawade
Action Items:
- Ed-Fi RVWG - Data Out Strategies - members to enter information
- Schedule next meeting in February for more demo
Next meeting: TBD
, multiple selections available,
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