T-ODS Documentation

Getting Started

Setting up T-ODS

You will set up an Ed-Fi development environment, following the same steps as /wiki/spaces/ODSAPI23/pages/21561783 (ODS / API v2.3.1)., with the following differences:

  • For /wiki/spaces/ODSAPI23/pages/21561799:
    • Clone or download the f-TODS-v2 branch, for each of the 3 repositories.  
    • Alternative, download the .zip file attached to this page and unzip to a location on your development machine.
  • Continue on through the rest of the Getting Started instructions.
  • Verify your ODS/API environment works by authorizing and then executing a simple API call via Swagger:

Taking T-ODS Snapshots

Querying the T-ODS

Bulk Loading T-ODS

Additional Documentation


ZIP file with T-ODS source code: