T-ODS SIG MEETING 4 - 2018-09-27



Meeting Notes

Due to difficulties with Webex, the meeting as not recorded. Our apologies.

Report out from participants

David Reeg updated the group on Minnesota's status, and their decision to remove T-ODS from scope in their current phase of implementation.

Other participants had not done further hands-on work to report on.

Update on proposed direction for T-ODS

Chris provide the group with an overview on the recommendation from Ed-Fi staff to release the T-ODS solution to the Ed-Fi Exchange, and not incorporated into Ed-Fi Core as originally planned. See the meeting deck for more details. 

Wrap Up

This meeting wrapped up the activities of the T-ODS Early Adopters program. Communication regarding next steps will be communicated at the Ed-Fi Summit (Oct. 9-12th) .