T-ODS Reference Queries
Chris Moffatt (Deactivated)
The Temporal ODS (T-ODS) consists of data structures and database support for an efficient means of loading, storing, and making available multiple years’ worth of fine-grained data in a single instance of the Ed-Fi ODS. These structures support point-in-time data snapshots and other historical data functions, and provide support for applications to access and query that historical data.
This documentation provides several reference queries which may be useful in understanding and developing for the T-ODS. Note that the Database Utility Reference Application provides a graphical entry point to queries that some developers and analysts may also find helpful.
The processes and queries are supported by MetaEd generated stored procedures and table-valued functions.
A Snapshot Utility was developed to support:
- Creating the snapshot metadata required to take a snapshot
- Taking a snapshot of current-year data
- Backing a snapshot out of the system
- Querying the snapshot metadata
- Managing and querying configuration tables
T-API functionality for resource level entities was developed to:
- Endpoints to support querying and returning Temporal ODS data by As-Of Date.
- Endpoints to support inserting, reading, editing Temporal ODS data by Snapshot Code.
- Endpoints to support inserting of Temporal ODS data by arbitrary effective date.
- Endpoints to view all data associated with a snapshot, including data related to Ed-Fi Extensions
- Endpoints to insert, read, edit, and delete Snapshot Metadata.
While the Temporal data can be queried via the T-API resource endpoints, the Database Utility Reference Application is provided as a demonstration of how data in the temporal operational data store (T-ODS) can be queried directly and even viewed together with current, operational data in the Ed-Fi ODS.
Direct access to the T-ODS is required in order to create customized scripts.
Key Concepts
The T-ODS is comprised of data structures and database support for time-based functions in a single instance of the Ed-Fi ODS. The following is a summary of key concepts that are useful to understand before diving into query examples:
- Database structures handle snapshot and other historical data functions and configurations
- Processes, generally triggered at load or snapshot time, include audits to check and report data discrepancies between:
- Current and temporal data
- Previous snapshot and current snapshot
- External referential integrity is maintained across resource-level entities
- Support is provided for applications to access and query historical data
- Metadata tables and data tables combine to form the time-based support:
- T-ODS contains two metadata tables and a set of metadata-to-data bridge tables to support the snapshot architecture and T-ODS/T-API functionality
- T-ODS also contains a set of data tables parallel to the present and future Ed-Fi ODS data tables, including extensions
- Data tables in the T-ODS follow the same pattern relative to their ODS counterparts, with a few notable exceptions, such as replacement of ODS surrogate key columns
- Snapshot processes store only the unique combinations of domain record values
- The T-ODS is not an audit trail / change data capture solution
See the /wiki/spaces/EDFIODS/pages/19726823 documentation for complete design details.
Below are T-ODS. SQL query examples that can be used to solve temporal scenarios.
Example 1. Discipline Incidents by School
This example groups together last year's discipline incidents by SchoolId to determine how many incidents each school had in 2016.
This example assumes snapshots are taken yearly and do not contain any data from the previous year.
DECLARE @lastYear datetime = '2016-07-31'; SELECT DisciplineIncident.SchoolId, COUNT(*) Count FROM [t_edfi].[ufn_GetDisciplineIncidentByDate](@lastYear) as DisciplineIncident GROUP BY DisciplineIncident.SchoolId
Example 2. Compare Student Current-Year and Prior-Year Record
This examples unions a student's record from 2016 with the current student record, presumably 2017.
DECLARE @snapshotDate datetime = '2016-07-31' DECLARE @studentUniqueId nvarchar(32) = '604888' SELECT Snapshot.IsLocked, Snapshot.EffectiveBeginDate, Snapshot.EffectiveEndDate, Snapshot.SnapshotId, Student.StudentUniqueId, Student.PersonalTitlePrefix, Student.FirstName, Student.MiddleName, Student.LastSurname, Student.GenerationCodeSuffix, Student.MaidenName, Student.SexType, Student.BirthDate, Student.BirthCity, Student.BirthStateAbbreviationType, Student.BirthInternationalProvince, Student.BirthCountryDescriptorCodeValue, Student.DateEnteredUS, Student.MultipleBirthStatus, Student.ProfileThumbnail, Student.HispanicLatinoEthnicity, Student.OldEthnicityType, Student.CitizenshipStatusType, Student.EconomicDisadvantaged, Student.SchoolFoodServicesEligibilityDescriptorCodeValue, Student.LimitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptorCodeValue, Student.DisplacementStatus, Student.LoginId, Student.LimitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptorNamespace, Student.SchoolFoodServicesEligibilityDescriptorNamespace, Student.BirthCountryDescriptorNamespace, Student.CreateDate, Student.LastModifiedDate, Student.Id FROM [t_edfi].[ufn_GetStudentByDate](@snapshotDate) as Student JOIN tods.Snapshot Snapshot ON Snapshot.SnapshotId = Student.SnapshotId WHERE Student.StudentUniqueId = @studentUniqueId UNION ALL SELECT NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Student.StudentUniqueId, Student.PersonalTitlePrefix, Student.FirstName, Student.MiddleName, Student.LastSurname, Student.GenerationCodeSuffix, Student.MaidenName, StudentSexType.Description as SexType, Student.BirthDate, Student.BirthCity, StudentBirthStateAbbreviationType.Description as BirthStateAbbreviationType, Student.BirthInternationalProvince, StudentBirthCountryDescriptor.CodeValue as BirthCountryDescriptorCodeValue, Student.DateEnteredUS, Student.MultipleBirthStatus, Student.ProfileThumbnail, Student.HispanicLatinoEthnicity, StudentOldEthnicityType.Description as OldEthnicityType, StudentCitizenshipStatusType.Description as CitizenshipStatusType, Student.EconomicDisadvantaged, StudentSchoolFoodServicesEligibilityDescriptor.CodeValue as SchoolFoodServicesEligibilityDescriptorCodeValue, StudentLimitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor.CodeValue as LimitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptorCodeValue, Student.DisplacementStatus, Student.LoginId, StudentLimitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor.Namespace as LimitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptorNamespace, StudentSchoolFoodServicesEligibilityDescriptor.Namespace as SchoolFoodServicesEligibilityDescriptorNamespace, StudentBirthCountryDescriptor.Namespace as BirthCountryDescriptorNamespace, Student.CreateDate, Student.LastModifiedDate, Student.Id FROM [edfi].[Student] as Student LEFT JOIN edfi.SexType as StudentSexType ON Student.SexTypeId = StudentSexType.SexTypeId LEFT JOIN edfi.StateAbbreviationType as StudentBirthStateAbbreviationType ON Student.BirthStateAbbreviationTypeId = StudentBirthStateAbbreviationType.StateAbbreviationTypeId LEFT JOIN edfi.Descriptor as StudentBirthCountryDescriptor ON StudentBirthCountryDescriptor.DescriptorId = Student.BirthCountryDescriptorId LEFT JOIN edfi.OldEthnicityType as StudentOldEthnicityType ON Student.OldEthnicityTypeId = StudentOldEthnicityType.OldEthnicityTypeId LEFT JOIN edfi.CitizenshipStatusType as StudentCitizenshipStatusType ON Student.CitizenshipStatusTypeId = StudentCitizenshipStatusType.CitizenshipStatusTypeId LEFT JOIN edfi.Descriptor as StudentSchoolFoodServicesEligibilityDescriptor ON StudentSchoolFoodServicesEligibilityDescriptor.DescriptorId = Student.SchoolFoodServicesEligibilityDescriptorId LEFT JOIN edfi.Descriptor as StudentLimitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor ON StudentLimitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor.DescriptorId = Student.LimitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptorId WHERE Student.StudentUniqueId = @studentUniqueId
Example 3. Prior-Year Grades for a Student
This example shows the grades for a student in 2016. By using the ufn_GetGradeByDate, we can grab the latest info regarding a students grades at the end of year. Grades contain a begin date, so the example below pulls grades between August 2015–July 2016 to get 2016 school year grades.
This query makes the simplifying assumption that a school year is between August 1st - July 31st.
DECLARE @priorYearDate datetime = '2016-07-31'; DECLARE @studentUniqueId nvarchar(32) = '604888'; SELECT Grade.BeginDate, Grade.ClassPeriodName, Grade.ClassroomIdentificationCode, Grade.GradeType, Grade.GradingPeriodBeginDate, Grade.GradingPeriodDescriptorCodeValue, Grade.LocalCourseCode, Grade.SchoolId, Grade.SchoolYear, Grade.SequenceOfCourse, Grade.StudentUniqueId, Grade.TermDescriptorCodeValue, Grade.UniqueSectionCode, Grade.LetterGradeEarned, Grade.NumericGradeEarned, Grade.DiagnosticStatement, Grade.PerformanceBaseConversionType, Grade.TermDescriptorNamespace, Grade.GradingPeriodDescriptorNamespace, Grade.CreateDate, Grade.LastModifiedDate, Grade.Id FROM [t_edfi].[ufn_GetGradeByDate](@priorYearDate) as Grade WHERE Grade.StudentUniqueId = @studentUniqueId AND Grade.BeginDate >= DATEADD(YEAR, -1, @priorYearDate);
Example 4. Compare Student Address over Time
This example joins an ODS Student with it's T-ODS Student Address. The example takes a look at how a current student's address has changed over time.
DECLARE @studentUniqueId nvarchar(32) = '604888'; SELECT DISTINCT Snapshot.EffectiveBeginDate, Snapshot.EffectiveEndDate, Student.StudentUniqueId, Student.FirstName, Student.MiddleName, Student.LastSurName, StudentAddress.AddressType, StudentAddress.StreetNumberName, StudentAddress.ApartmentRoomSuiteNumber, StudentAddress.BuildingSiteNumber, StudentAddress.City, StudentAddress.StateAbbreviationType, StudentAddress.PostalCode, StudentAddress.NameOfCounty, StudentAddress.CountyFIPSCode, StudentAddress.Latitude, StudentAddress.Longitude, StudentAddress.BeginDate, StudentAddress.EndDate, StudentAddress.CreateDate FROM [edfi].[Student] as Student JOIN [t_edfi].[Student] as TodsStudent ON Student.StudentUniqueId = TodsStudent.StudentUniqueId JOIN [t_edfi].[StudentSnapshotRecord] Snapshot ON TodsStudent.tid_Student = Snapshot.tid_Student LEFT JOIN [t_edfi].[StudentAddress] as StudentAddress ON StudentAddress.tid_Student = TodsStudent.tid_Student WHERE Student.StudentUniqueId = @studentUniqueId
Further Reading
The following conceptual and technical material may be useful in understanding these examples and building your own queries:
- /wiki/spaces/EDFIODS/pages/19727812
- /wiki/spaces/EDFIODS/pages/19726823
- Ed-Fi Unifying Data Model (2.0)
DRAFT NOTES (to be removed) | |
Requirement | DOC-05 (1 of 2) |
Audience | Technical & Business Analyst. |
Type | How-To Article |
POC Activity | Needs outline & draft examples |
Due Date | TBD |