Tech Congress 2022 - MSP Session


At the Ed-Fi Tech Congress 2022, a session was held to discuss the need of a Managed Service Provider (MSP) Special Interest Group (SIG).  Attendees were strong in agreement that a SIG is needed to discuss topics related to deploying and managing Ed-Fi technology at-scale, which will be gathering in the coming weeks after the session.


Below is a list of participants that participated in the Ed-Fi Tech Congress 2022 Managed Service Provider SIG session.  Note:  if you attended the Tech Congress 2022 MSP session and not included below, please comment below to be included into the list as some attendees attended multiple sessions.

  • EdGraph
    • David Cintron
    • Jean-Francois Guertin
  • Education Analytics
    • Eshara Mondal
    • Mark TenHoor
    • Erik Joranlien
    • Andrew Rice 
  • InnovateEdu/Landing Zone
    • Patrick Yoho
  • Instructure
    • Jeremy Perkins
    • Traci Clarke
  • Alma
    • Kim Hadfield

Topics of Discussion

  • Admin App
    • Need for a GUI-based editor for profiles and editing profiles without the need for ODS / API reboots
    • SSO and Open ID Connect
  • ODS / API Platform
    • Need for row-level security
    • Data transfers between SEA and LEAs
    • Removing password from logging 
    • API throttling for API consumers at-scale
    • GraphQL to cut down on API transactions
    • Working with supplemental domains
    • Working with domains in a versioned manner
    • Issue with no database access / API-only prescription for analytics and other use cases
  • Security at-scale
    • Automated scanning of GitHub repos
    • Penetration testing
    • Practice share methods
  • Deployments
    • Tech Preview channel
    • Less infrastructure to deploy / serving more customers with one API working with multi-models
    • Easier to deploy technology / enable faster time to value / quicker to standup
    • Better communications around the roadmap updates, cycles, releases, etc
  • Integration
    • Certification process - what fields are available from the certification?
    • Reports of data being sent from the API
  • Innovation
    • X-Prize like contests - developing technology to show new/future use cases
