Meeting 2 - 2021-09-07
- Ann Su (Unlicensed)
- David Clements
Owned by Ann Su (Unlicensed)
First Name | Last Name | Organization |
Meghana | Aleti | Wisconsin DPI |
Emilio | Baez | MSDF |
Jessica | Calnan | Redmond Public Schools - OR |
Sean | Casey | Ed-Fi Alliance |
Traci | Clarke | Instructure |
David | Clements | Ed-Fi Alliance |
Mindy | DuFault | Infinite Campus |
Kevin | Edwards | Metro Nashville Public Schools - TN |
Victoria | Flores | Long Beach USD - CA |
Carl | Frederick | Wisconsin DPI |
Michael | Geers | Munetrix |
Jim | Goodell | Quality Information Partners |
Jean-Francois | Guertin | EdWire |
Hemina | Lilani | Long Beach USD - CA |
Douglas | Loyo | MSDF |
Justin | Meyer | Wisconsin DPI |
Michael | Minuto | MSDF |
Chris | Moffatt | Ed-Fi Alliance |
Heather | Potts | Ector County ISD, TX |
John | Raub | Wisconsin DPI |
Andrew | Rice | Education Analytics |
Molly | Stewart | INsite |
Leslie | Taylor | Education Nexus Oregon |
Roberto | Trevino | YES Prep Public Schools, TX |
Roshni | Wadhwani | Boston Public Schools |
Chris | Weber | Metro Nashville Public Schools - TN |
Lyria | Zeh | MSDF |
Ann Su - Ed-Fi Governance Support
Meeting recording LINK
Refer to the PPT (slides # 9-23) for additional details on the meeting minutes and discussions.
The meeting was held on 2021-09-07 1:00Pm -2:00pm CT via WebEx
- Review the summarized input and results from Mtg #1
- Discuss the use case(s) and personas
- Discuss common priority college & career readiness indicators
- Do some design thinking with some wireframe mockups
- Flag or catch any other important or foundational considerations
Review the summarized input and results from Mtg #1
- Indicators
- SAT & ACT scores
- College course credits
- Work based learning
- Military readiness - push to phase 2
- Career ready
- Certification
- Andrew
- CA needs transcript - course requirement
- SC has badges
- Separate graduation requirement at some level
- California might start using the state assessment scores.
- Boston - I think an indicator for PARTICIPATION in some of these activities would be important. e.g. in Boston Public Schools, we look at enrollment in rigorous coursework like AP, IB, dual enrollment in our college and career readiness metrics, but not the final scores/grades
- Long Beach - I think having the framework allow for multiple course requirements: district requirements, A-G,/College-Prep courses could allow for more flexibility.
- IN - For us, most of these other things are "part of" certain diplomas
- Yes Prep - Foundation + Endorsements
- Indicators
Discuss the use case(s) and personas
- Higher school counselor, student, parent able to login to track college/career ready status
- Andrew - counselors need to have a display of all state course requirements, more important than test scores.
- Long Beach - same requirement for CA
- IN - Same. Ideally, "college ready requirements" are aligned with the state requirements at some level
- David Clements
- Is there a tool for counselors to work across the spectrum?
- Andrew - it would be helpful
- Doug - counselors use print outs for manual status check
- Is there a tool for counselors to work across the spectrum?
- WI - SCED code mapping tie back to career pathway?
- CA - We have an overview by grad/A-G overall, and then by subject area as a "dashboard". We are also working on a "credit recovery" view to show sub-category needs.
- IN - predictive analytics to be successful? What is the ideal outcome for the starter kit?
- Doug - not predictive analytics, just college/career readiness
- There are some using SCED. I've even heard of some that are mapping SCED to postsecondary CIP codes or SOC occupation codes.
- MNPS - for counselors, they struggle to get graduation readiness data to intervene and get students on track sooner
- Jim - Some states require mapping to SCED or state course codes but vary widely.
- Andrew - a data “hierarchy of needs”
- WI - We have LEAs maps to state codes tied to SCED 8 but we haven't connected SCED to a particular career pathway and/or if you took these SCED codes you are college/career ready
- Doug - TX example - no system that can store this Metadata
- CA has no data algorithm; course code teacher dependent
- MNPS - Should counselors be transcript auditors? Sounds like they were the victims of a new data lift without a designated capacity assigned to a FTE...could an enhanced data system add counselor capacity?
- Sean @Kevin definitely. I think we're trying to make their jobs a lot more tenable!
- Yes Prep - I think it's (grad requirements) captured in the SIS
- Jim - Could that set of rules (for each grad requirement or pathway) be encoded in a reusable query against the Ed-Fi ODS for the entire state of TX?
- WI - We have an attribute on our SEA /courses with a CTE flag and a non-CTE equivalent, CTE assumes CTE qualified certified instructor if student is associated to that course
Discuss common priority college & career readiness indicators
- See slide #14 starter kit indicators
- Andrew - Will this application be on the API or installed behind the API?
- Emilio - None, it will most likely pull directly from the ODS DB. Won't use the API
- Andre - I would encourage the team to use the API rather than direct DB
- we cannot use any application not on API
- David - Everything required in the starter kit should be easily accessible through the Analytics Middle Tier without direct ODS access. The data should be populated through the API. The API data requirements and examples will also be documented in the data companion guide
- Emilio - These Power BI dashboards will query the ODS(AMT) directly. Agree with David, the data should be populated through the API.
- WI SEA course page (with look-up filters) ...I stand corrected we did connect CTE career pathway to course, I had forgotten that
- MNPS - I am curious if there are other districts participating in the CCMR workgroup that use Infinite Campus.
- Emilio - None, it will most likely pull directly from the ODS DB. Won't use the API
Do some design thinking with some wireframe mockups (see slides #15-19 for mockups)
- Andrew - need to define what on track means; would not support this in current format
- Chris - I fully agree with Doug's positioning of the starter kit in terms of how it fits in the overall CCMR space. However, will the starter kit be useful for *anyone* out of the box? In the same way as the other starter kits aim to be. (Assessment, Equity, Chronic Absenteeism)?
- Long Beach - if data is not a responsibility of counselor, they would not use it
- Doug - should start with student detail then build up to on track
- IN - change wording from college/career ready as they are un-defined
- David - users other than counselors
- WI - need to plan to put data in structure for submission to API
- Chris - @Andrew - this 1st generation of PowerBI starter kits from Ed-Fi builds on AMT (database access). As a partner, you are welcome and encouraged to build out the same use case using API query into your backend. Additionally, we still plan to invest in the API for data out - but as it currently stands, PowerBI can't natively pull from the API we have. (If I am wrong on this please let me know!)
- Andrew - @chris - that makes sense to me but I worry about the statement that this makes: ed-fi is encouraged on top of ed-fi applications instead of API based applications - maybe this is a TAG convo?
- Sean - Is this starter kit duplicating tools districts used?
- WI - uses Zello
- Boston -
- Yes - this replicates what we have in our SIS
- *Aspen graduation tracker / grad requirements
- And what is in Naviance
- And what is in Panorama
- Molly - @roshni, since you have a lot of tools already in play, what would you be looking for in something like this?
- Boston - It's helping seeing everything in one place and not in different tools, but we're already suffering from tool overload in the district :)
- Andrew - need to define what on track means; would not support this in current format
Flag or catch any other important or foundational considerations
- Long Beach - Indicator for student on application systems
- Chris - +1 to notifications. I wonder what PowerBI supports in this regard
- Mike - would be valuable to see a to-do checklist report for students that are off track to close the gaps
- Long Beach - I think there should be some predictive analytics work that would be important for equity. Students who are no longer on-track for college-readiness get tracked for diploma-on track, but how counselors come to that conclusion is student by student.
- Long Beach - Indicator for student on application systems
Action Items
- Schedule session #3