Data Quality and API Reliability


This Special Interest Group will look at API reliability and data quality issues around current Ed-Fi API implementations and recommend API features or other actions that help client systems recognize and account for data quality problems, or that otherwise reduce the volume of errors and other problems experienced in API usage. The SIG will base its analysis and recommendations off of current field work.


  • John Raub, Wisconsin DPI
  • Don Dailey, Michigan Data Hub
  • Sherod Keen, FL CODE
  • Tim Casey, Skyward
  • Matt Warden, DLP
  • Britto Augustine, Arizona DoE
  • Jon Berry, Infinite Campus
  • Eric Jansson, Ed-Fi Alliance
  • Vinaya Mayya, Ed-Fi Alliance


Meeting 1 - 2017-12-12

Meeting 2 - 2018-01-03

Meeting 3 - 2018-01-17
