RVWG 2019-12-03 Meeting Notes




Discussion items

Student Discipline Use Case Updates
  • Incidents, location, date, action taken by student w/Demographic:
    • Geolocation will be different and depending on the system might not be relevant.
    • It might make sense to consider breaking down from the classroom and outside school.
    • Intervention support would be a place where they are trying to capture if that is happening in the playground, cafeteria or hallway.
    • In San Marcos, they have locations at a higher level but not very detailed like the samples provided in the samples. They don't always provide the location.
    • Capture bus incidents, we are interested in this data but now sure if it should be classified as in or out of school.
  • Number/Percentage of incidents by Type:
    • Looks good
  • Students with multiple incidents:
    • Major/Minor incidents will be hard to categorize, KY districts map to State incidents how do others too?
    • Happy - They do categorize their incidents as major/minor but they are having a governance discussion around how they are grouping even within their districts.
    • San Marcos - They break incidents into further categories. All codes are state-aligned but they have higher-level categories.
    • WY also has a state-level incident and then a school code of conduct more specific categories.
    • The state is required to report to the department of ed gun-related weapons incidents, but districts and schools might be coding more detailed categories. The higher-level perspective is useful, but to drill down to the specifics will probably be more helpful to decide actions/interventions.
    • Add a full spectrum of demographics, program info (review ESSA reporting categories) 
      • Privacy concern, this is a summary table so maybe not so many concerns.
      • Looking for disproportionality issues
  • Number/Percentage of incidents by location
    • How are students with multiple incidents shown?
  • Number/Percentage of actions taken by type/code
    • Number of out of school suspensions that you want to track/
    • In general, we want to track the actions taken as there are some that we don't want to engage in, we found a data governance issue when we saw actions reported that we don't allow so this was a bad data.
    • Is the count represent students:
      • What if a student had the same action applied multiple times?
      • Are some groups of students getting disproportionately harsher responses for the same incidents?
      • As-is this report is a bit confusing, not clear what the purpose/use of this metric is. It seems to be for high-level accountability of actions taken at the school/district level, will need to dig a bit more into what the purpose is. 

 2020 Goals
  •  Goal is to be able to share MVP with the Ed-Fi Community during the Summit

Next Steps
  • Student Discipline Use Case and Metric Review
    • Are any data elements missing from the top 5 proposed metrics?
    • Do the metrics make sense? Do we need an additional level of roll-up or filters?

Action items

  • Itzel Torres schedule Tech Eval and Ed-Fi Dashboards working session