RVWG 2019-08-05 Meeting notes




  • Subgroup Updates:
    • User Experience
    • Technical Evaluation
    • Ed-Fi Dashboards
  • GAT Feedback:  GOV-10 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • Phase Milestones and timeline
    • Phase III Risk - Resources
  • Next steps
    • Approve work group milestones and timeline
    • Work Group Recruiting
    • Subgroup Feedback

Discussion items

SubGroup Updates

User Experience

  • Feedback and help to finish user personas. We want to make sure:
    • Enough roles are captured to cover security use cases that we've seen in the field.
    • Sentiment and availability of resources to make better functionality decisions. What should we focus on now and what can/should be added later?
    • Key tasks, we know roles vary widely can we capture enough detail in the job description and key tasks to help decide on functionality?

Technical Evaluation

  • Some similarities and patterns are starting to emerge as well as gaps that group needs to dig into:
    • Security model/framework for user level and maybe even field level access.
    • Middleware vs. UI/UX layer

Ed-Fi Dashboards Eval

 GAT Feedback
  • Charter updates approved, with some comments on:
    • Phase 1 and 2 timeline, would like to get a better sense of when these phases would be completed.
    • Phase 3 needs more definition, Billy Buchanan shared that once we have Phase 2 complete, it would be feasible to have Phase 3 completed in 6 months assuming there is enough availability from group resources.
  • Itzel Torres proposing high level Milestones/Timeline
    • September
      • Ed-Fi Dashboard Interview/Feedback
      • Use Case Definition
      • Summit Working Session
  • October
    • MVP Architecture
  • November
    • Roadmap proposal to GAT
  •  Itzel Torres will work with subgroups to create tasks and timelines for each subgroup to complete before the Summit Working Session

Summit Working Session: Proposed Agenda

  • Ed-Fi Dashboard Overview: Pros and Cons
  • Tech Evaluation Overview: Technology Landscape, what is available now
  • Brainstorming session: options for a path forward for visualizations.

Next Steps
  • Approve work group milestones and timeline
  • Work Group Recruiting:
    • Send references to Itzel Torresof people that might want to join or can help with specific tasks.
  • Subgroup Feedback

Action items