RVWG 2019-04-23 Meeting notes




Discussion items

15 minTech Congress Notes

Background info:

  1. Re-use of available use cases from other groups:
  • During the Tech Congress working session we had non-members in attendance which resulted in a longer discussion about other use cases and questions around background info on what the group has discussed.
  • There was some confusion during the meeting and questions during the Tech Congress around why use "Early Warning" as the initial use case. Considering the amount of work defining a detailed enough use case to develop an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) new approach the suggestion was to use the work from other work groups as a starting point, suggested use cases:
    • Metro Nashville
    • FCPS Early Warning Indicators


Meeting discussion main points:

  • ESP: why are we abandoning the submitted use cases? The group hasn't had an in depth discussion on what these are and it wasn't clear that the expectation was to read, review and provide feedback on the submitted use cases.
  • Not everyone has reviewed the submitted use cases, list of documents is a bit confusing and long.
30 min Sub Group proposal

Background info:

2. Create sub-groups around specific deliverables so the group can start making progress. Suggested sub groups:

  • Ed-Fi Dashboard Users: Since the current dashboards do not meet the criteria defined by the group, should there be a sub-group of dashboard users to evaluate options for the current codebase.
  • Technical Architecture: After selecting the initial use case, create a technical focused group to start defining the criteria for a potential new architecture or approach for a new reporting and visualization toolset.
  • Discipline or other use cases submitted that need more detail as a means to start building the catalog.

Meeting discussion main points:

  • Group is still unclear on what the guidance or path forward will be for dashboards, as discussion of sub-groups started there is still uncertainty on what the focus use case should be.

Action Items:

  • Will put the decision to divide into sub groups after the review and feedback of current use cases from the group.

5 minWork Group Health Monitor Review

Governance team is looking to implement a health monitor for all groups, the initial template with the first review and notes.


10 minNext Steps

How will sub groups be formed? Meeting times? Deliverables?

On hold until the initial use case is decided.

Action items

    • Itzel Torres Will create a page for each submitted use case so everyone can "like" the top 5 use cases and add comments/questions to each page. Review and feedback must be submitted by  
    • Review health monitor and comment by  so we can share with the governance team.
    • Everyone will review the submitted use cases available in: Use Case Selection
      • Like the top 5 use cases they would like to discuss and implement first
      • Add comments/questions to the pages so they can be viewed and discussed with the team on our next working session.