RVWG 2019-05-07 Meeting notes

RVWG 2019-05-07 Meeting notes




  • Review Use Case Feedback
  • Next steps


Use Case



Student Discipline

Student Discipline


Student On Track (Metro Nashville)

Student On Track


Student Attendance

Student Attendance


Student Information

Student Information - Overview


Early Warning System

Early Warning System


Discussion items

Student Discipline
  • Highest rated use case so far, with 4.5 
  • Do different roles need to see different data?
    • Building level Admins and some higher leve roles need to see aggregate level data to start to identify patterns
    • Depending on how the district is organized, in our case district staff would want to see aggregate data but then drill down to student level data when getting ready to take action.
    • Level of detail about the disciplinary incidents and actions is the primary concern, being able to slice that data differently.
    • We have looked in the ODS, and a lot of these data points are in there, they're just not visualized.

  • Do we need multiple years of data?
    • Need more research on how much previous year data is needed.
    • Generally, everyone I've talked to in schools wants multiple year data in order to see patterns. 

    • At the very least multiple years of data need to be available, even if it doesn't show right away.

    • We would have to do more research on this (i.e. ask users).

  • Group has additional questions on this use case but it is a top 5 use case to continue discussion

 Next steps

There was some confusion on the voting of use cases, as the top use cases had high start rating but 2-3 votes. The initial ask was for the group to vote for their top 5, but this was before we added the rating macro. With the star rating, the group agrees to take the top 5 highest rated use cases above and do another round of questions and comments so we can have a final ranking vote on our next working session.

When reviewing use cases consider the following:

  • It the use case presented a good candidate to develop an initial proof of concept for the visualization tool?
  • Is there enough information/data to create a proof of concept report around?

Next steps:

  • Group will review and add questions and comments to the top 5 use cases
  • Use case Owner will address questions and comments from group members prior to our next working session.
  • Itzel Torres will create a poll for group members to rank the top 5 use cases in order of importance. Based on the following ranking:
    1. Best use case to build MVP around

        2-3 Use cases to form sub-groups around to catalog and define for future development

        4-5 Use cases will be on hold until 2 and 3 are completed.

  • Top 3 use cases will be sent to GAT for initial feedback/review

Note: Use cases submitted via Reporting and Visualization Survey will be added to the catalog to be prioritized at a later date.

Action items


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