User Experience 2019-11-19 Meeting notes

User Experience 2019-11-19 Meeting notes




  • Updates from the last meeting
  • Review and Prioritize the metrics
  • MVP Scope
  • Next Steps

Discussion items

Update from the last meeting

Added new metrics:

  • Students with multiple incidents
  • % students that are repeat offenders
  • Number of severe and minor incidents by school


  • Added severity of offenses to reports by student - by category major or minor
  • Added time period for each report to allow selection for various months
  • Modified race/ethnicity to conform to federal guidelines – not sure how to show the actual races for students with multiple races
  • Added disability to reports by student
  • Did not address chronic absenteeism, but absenteeism is reported by student.


  • Metric for chronic absenteeism, at Volusia it is chronic absenteeism is defined at 10% at of attendance from time of enrollment
  • FL is also focused on chronic absenteeism, the percentage of attendance from the time a student is enrolled is more informative than just reporting absences.
  • Not sure how to handle chronic absenteeism as it might be a different value calculation in different places, but at the very least a percentage of days in attendance might provide better context than just days absent.

 Review and Prioritize the metrics

List of Metrics identified so far:

  1. Number/Percentage of incidents by type/code and demographic - for district or school
  2. Number/Percentage of offenses by geolocation and type/code, demographic
  3. Number/Percentage of Incidents reported by reporter type and incident code, demographic
  4. Number/Percentage of incidents by time of day and incident code, demographic
  5. Number/Percentage of actions taken by type/code and demographic - for district or school
  6. Number/Percentage of actions taken by reporter staff and type/code, demographic
  7. Incidents, location, date, action taken by student (with accompanying demographics)
  8. Students with multiple incidents (minor and severe)
    1. Would this roll up to the district by student by school?
  9. Percentage of students who are repeat offenders
  10. Number of major/minor incidents by school
    1. Need discussion on what Severity levels mean and how these are used in other states. 
    2. Severity is usually tied to the incident type is usually set by the district so there is a need to map incident types to some severity category.
    3. CEDS Discipline Reason which is kind of like a type: https://ceds.ed.gov/element/000545
  • Are there any more metrics to add?
    • The list seems complete at this time since some elements need a deeper discussion.
  • How should these be prioritized?
    • A survey will be sent to the group to prioritize these metrics and mark the ones that should be included in the MVP.
    • After the survey is completed, we will update working session notes with results and discuss with the rest of the group on our next general working session  

MVP Scope
  • How many metrics should be included in the MVP use case?  Which metrics should we develop visuals for? 
    • Question will be included in the Survey
  • For the top priority metrics, is the spreadsheet reporting all the data needed for that metric?
    • We will discuss this once the priority metrics have been identified.

Metric Spreadsheet

Note: The spreadsheet is not meant to represent how the visualization will look, but rather it represents the data that should be reported in the visualization for that metric.

Next StepsItzel Torres

Topics for discussion for next working sessions:

  • Chronic absenteeism: Days absent vs. Attendance rate? Do we want to see excused and unexcused absences or would a percentage of attendance while the student is enrolled a better measure?
  • Metric Roll up notes: Need to review and note which metrics roll up and how the rollup amounts are reported.
  • Incident Severity Levels: How do we identify? What are others doing?

Action items

  • Review the metric spreadsheet and make sure that  updates are captured  in the Use Case Document
  • Send out Metric Survey to the subgroup

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