RVWG 2019-01-15 Meeting Notes




  • Review initial comments/feedback from GAT.
  • Establish initial collaboration guidelines
  • Draft milestones and proposal content.

Discussion items

TimeItemWhoDetailMeeting Notes
5 minFeedback/Notes from GAT ReviewJamie Martinez
  • Initial feedback questions/comments can be viewed in /wiki/spaces/RVWG/pages/25919883 Feedback section
    • need more details on what will be included on the proposal and if the technology stack will be added.
    • Feedback on areas of focus outside instructional outcomes.

Updates to charter based on feedback and discussion around what should be included in proposal.

  • Will include in charter proposal that the group will include a current asset plan with an impact analysis of replacement in case of deprecating the current assets or upgrade considerations in the case of continuing with the same assets (Ed-Fi dashboards) as well as suggested technology stack.

Instructional Outcome Focus:

Based on GAT feedback, group wants to balance capturing the use cases that come into the dicussion without sacrificing progress on a proposal. To address concerns and the need to learn and understand what the community is interested in the group will:

  • Capture all suggested cases and share with the GAT as work in progress without spending too much on detailed analysis of each one.
  • Use cases at this point should be somewhat broad and mapped to a specific audience. Suggestion was to think of use cases as problems to be solved at this point and iterate through the level of detail to add after feedback from the GAT.
  • Will explore sending out a survey to the community to get a better sense of what others have in mind. The group is somewhat small and feedback from the community might help guide the discussions on cases that the group might not consider otherwise.
  • There is a bit of confusion on what to include in the use cases, experience around these varies between members and some are used to very detailed use cases (for technical work definition for example) while others work with more high level view use cases that do not require too much detail.
    • Group will review some examples and submit use cases the way they envision them by  . These will be reviewed on the next working session  so a final format can be defined and inital set of feedback reviewed and discussed.
    • An action item is to share Use cases from other groups to use as an example and ask GAT and Alliance for feedback on the format and level of detail.
 15 minCollaboration guidelines Everyone
  • How the work will be distributed amongst members of the work group, and what collaboration will look like.
  • Does it make sense to create sub groups
  • Should we start subgroups?
    • Will work together as a group to define the use cases and will split into groups for technical and data/functionality definition once the priority use cases have been selected.
15 minProposal detail
  • Sections/content to include in proposal

Proposal should include:

  • Asset deprecation plan: If group decides to retire Ed-Fi dashboards and create a new reporting and visualization options. This plan should include Impact/Gap Analysis for current users to evaluate the cost/benefit of moving away from their Ed-Fi dashboards implementation to the new offering.
  • Upgrade path: If group decides to continue with the current codebase and modify it. Proposal should include upgrade path considerations. (if current assets)
  • Technology stack
  • Cost considerations
    • Implementation
    • Maintenance
    • Documentation
    • Marketing/comms: This includes costs to communitcate to community and stakeholders of the benefits, improvements, and overall information on the new offering.
  • Use cases: Format and level of detail required TBD. Initial drafts should:
    • What problem is it solving
    • Take into consideration the audience, who does this problem affect/benefit
    • Expected result/benefit
  • Project Timeline
  • Release/Roadmap
15 minMilestones and tentative timeline
  • High level milestones and tentative timeline
  • Use Case Definition (problem to be solved level)
    • Submit propsed use cases  
    • Discuss and review proposed use cases  
    • Explore survey to the community to share their priority use cases.
  • Subgroup formation
    • Resource allocation (who works in what group, when does each group meet, etc.)
  • Define criteria for evaluation of:
    1. Use Cases
    2. Technology Stack
  • Select Technology stack
  • Impact/Gap Analysis or Upgrade path
  • Cost Considerations/Budget
10 minNext Steps
  • Questions, next steps and action items

See Action items below, next major milestones:

  1. Capture use cases of interest to the group and potentially the community in general.
  2. Define use case template/definition. How much detail to include in each.
  3. Define what the selection criteria should be for the top use cases to submit to GAT.
  4. Select Use cases to focus on for the RV proposal

Action items

  • Itzel Torres to check with Chris about sending out a survey to the community to share their reporting/visualization priorities
  • Itzel Torres share Use cases from other groups to use as an example
  • Itzel Torres Ask GAT and Alliance for feedback on the format and level of detail they expect to see in the proposal around use cases.
  • Everyone submit Use case ideas by  - Itzel Torreswill create a page for this upcoming tasks and to submit documentation.
  • Everyone should review proposed use cases, come prepared to discuss on our next working session