RVWG 2019-01-29 Meeting Notes

RVWG 2019-01-29 Meeting Notes



  • Itzel Torres

  • Monica Hogan (mhogan2@bostonpublicschools.org) Required Attendee Tentative
    Jeremy Thigpen (jthigpen@espsg.com) Required Attendee Accepted
    Cherrolu, Suresh Required Attendee Accepted
    Chris Moffatt Optional Attendee Declined
    Allan Schneider Required Attendee Accepted
    Rosh Joshua Required Attendee Accepted
    Kimiko Rife Required Attendee Accepted
    Abhishe Das Required Attendee None
    Ana Quintana Required Attendee None
    Billy Buchanan Required Attendee Accepted
    Cari Reddick Required Attendee None
    Carolyn Grey Required Attendee None
    Chris Sprague Required Attendee None
    Darren Skott Required Attendee Tentative
    Fred Edora Required Attendee Accepted
    Gary Clarke Required Attendee Accepted
    Jamie Martinez (jdmartin@volusia.k12.fl.us) Required Attendee Accepted
    Jean-Francois Guertin Required Attendee Accepted
    Jim Serpe Required Attendee None
    Joshua Newman (josh@spotlight-education.com) Required Attendee Accepted
    Molly Stuart (stewarmo@indiana.edu) Required Attendee Accepted
    Philipp Pitchford Required Attendee Accepted
    Rafael Loustaunau Required Attendee Accepted
    Tricia Farris Required Attendee Tentative
    Laura Hearnsberger Required Attendee Accepted
    Greg Hubenak Required Attendee None


  • Updates from the past GAT meeting review
  • Community Survey questions for GAT approval
  • Define how Use cases will be managed and reviewed.

Discussion items

GAT Feedback
  • Jamie will be stepping down from the co-chair position.
  • GAT Feedback:
    • Agreed that a poll to the community it made sense. GAT wants to see a proposed set of questions to approve and send out to the community.
      • Want to be careful to not have leading questions
    • Wanted to also keep track of other areas that might spin out other work groups or picked up later.
 30 min Use Case Community Survey

Initial Draft Questions from meeting: 

  1. Demographic Info shoulld include the following Roles:
    1. Superintendent/District level coordinator
    2. District Technology staff
    3. Principal/Assistant principal
    4. Instructional Coach
    5. Teacher Leader
    6. Teacher
  2. Are you an Ed-Fi Dashboard User? (will be used to select an additional set of Ed-Fi Dashboard related questions)
  3. What do you wish you knew about your students that would help you help them succeed - for example to improve classroom performance, retention, graduation rates, behavior? 
  4. How would you use that information? 
  5. Who would be the primary users of this information?
  6. What are the challenges you face in getting that information today, if it's available? (need to know if responder is teacher, counselor, administration, district administration)
  7. Ranking questions: 1-5 what is most important. For example: What are the 2 most important issues that you wanat a dashboard to answer.
  8. I need...:
    1. District level information
    2. Student Level Information
  9. What are the major issues emerging?
  10. What are the aspirational outcomes?

Dashboard Only users:

  1. What improvements to the Dashboard v2 would you most like to see?
  2. Did you customize them to your needs? What challenges did you face? 
  3.  In an ideal world, how would you envision customizing the next dashboard solution(s) to your needs? 
  4. What would you want to be able to change, and how would you change it (referencing other dashboarding, application, or reporting solutions is ok).

Other suggestions:

  • Provide Use case template so community members can submit their own use cases in the form of: As a ... I need/want... in order to... Consider using JIRA Service Desk as an ongoing way to gather needs from community.
  • Maybe frame it by time of year to prompt users to think beyond "right now" needs?
10 minUse Case Tracking in JIRA proposal



  • Historical log of comments and edits made to use cases
  • Easy built in voting mechanism
  • Can be easily moved to other projects
  • Integrates with TechDocs for documentation/updates
  • Can be customized to fit needs


  • Must log in to participate (some members don't have a login?)

Action items

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