MSP SIG - Meeting 19 - 2024-02-06

MSP SIG - Meeting 19 - 2024-02-06


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First NameLast NameOrganization
MarkTenHoorEducation Analytics
EricJanssonEd-Fi Alliance
KathleenBrowningEd-Fi Alliance
NateGandomiEd-Fi Alliance
JasonHoekstraEd-Fi Alliance
JeffPutnamEd-Fi Alliance
MustafaYilmazEd-Fi Alliance

Support: Ann Su, Ed-Fi Alliance



Improving SEA data model alignment

MSPs in general advised a stronger guidance to SEAs from the Alliance: they felt like the message was not being heard. Sub recommendations included:

  • use case studies or examples to detail impacts better; i.e., show a state the costs to vendors and the ecosystem when alignment mistakes are mad
  • include the impacts of SEA release processes
  • include that customizing the Ed-Fi open source implementation can also lead to issues

Tech Congress Feedback

  • Please don’t stack technical roadmap sessions (solved for 2024!)
  • Love the spaces and times for intentional conversations (time between sessions), and the stakeholder groups were good for this as well (will do again in 2024)

More narrow topics 

  1. Data validations API and specification: this has been a long-standing proposal and to my mind would make a great deep-dive session. If this added additional efficiency to state reporting and data hub operations (as we think it would), it could be very impactful in lowering LEA costs.
  2. Upgrade processes & movement to ODS7.1: the MSP community felt that there would be benefit in sharing lessons learned about the move to ODS 7.1 (ODS 7.1 makes a lot more configuration options available
  3. Admin API: would love to engage more on how this might grow and expand over time.

Future Agenda Items

  1. Feature flags for new features - should we look at this as a pattern (example, expose validations API behind a feature flag)
  2. CEDS & SLDS grants to support EDFacts with Generate - share out the learnings (e.g., element mapping technologies, etc.)

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