MSP SIG - Meeting 5 - 2023-05-09
MSP SIG - Meeting 5 - 2023-05-09
- Ann Su (Unlicensed)
- Eric Jansson
Owned by Ann Su (Unlicensed)
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First Name | Last Name | Organization |
Marcos | Alcozer | Ed-Fi Alliance |
Sean | Casey | Ed-Fi Alliance |
David | Clements | Ed-Fi Alliance |
Rosh | Dhanawade | Education Analytics |
Jean-Francois | Guertin | EdWire |
Jason | Hoekstra | Ed-Fi Alliance |
Eric | Jansson | Ed-Fi Alliance |
Teryn | Odom | Instructure |
Jeff | Putnam | Ed-Fi Alliance |
Andrew | Rice | Education Analytics |
Support: Ann Su, Ed-Fi Alliance
- Assessment vendor integrations – what the current state is and what we can do to increase and drive these forward
A broad vision emerged in the meeting for action. It had these parts:
- Use scale projects (states/LEA collaboratives) to coordinate demand for specific assessments
- Do the work to identify common or at least similar use cases - it is not sufficient to say "we need data from provider X" as that could mean very different things (provider X could have several different lines of business/assessments)
- The Alliance approaches those providers and shows that demand to the assessment provider, along with the general use case
- Once we have interest from the providers, we coordinate a mapping with those who need the data and the provider
- This mapping coordinates use cases / precise data more exactly
- It provides an opportunity for the provider to engage at a product level, share their priorities, and develop confidence in the data exchange
- A pilot or similar effort integrates the data identified across more than 1 implementation site (to demonstrate / test scalability of use case/mapping)
Other points made:
- Support for idea that push vs pull is a real issue for assessment providers (i.e., there are product issues to explore), and that pull will be lower effort for providers to maintain
- There was a notion that the market structure is different/simpler than suggested in the meeting deck:
- Summative market - very small number of players (3 was cited)
- Interim market (very small number of players (3 was cited)
- Formative market - many players
- College-readiness assessments (not covered)
- Assessment providers have very different lines of business within one company: the unit which does statewide assessments is likely very different from (almost a separate company from) a unit that might do college readiness
- There was also shared that assessment provider leadership don't know Ed-Fi, and that the community should ramp up the presence at their events and in executive education
- key assessments mentioned included MAP, STAAR, iReady, HMH inventories, Growth Measure (aligned with NWEA now), DIBELS/Acadience, PALS, and iStation.