MSP SIG - Meeting 20 - 2024-03-05
MSP SIG - Meeting 20 - 2024-03-05
- Quick report-out on Tech Congress input + asks
- Data Validations API and support → Future of state reporting
- Community sharing on upgrade to ODS 7.1
- Admin API
- Feature flags for new features - should we look at this as a pattern (example: expose validations API behind a feature flag)
- CEDS & SLDS grants to support EDFacts with Generate - share out the learnings (e.g., element mapping technologies, etc.)
Report out on the Tech Congress agenda - showed the coverage of SIG feedback from previous meeting (see agenda)
Feature flags discussion
General endorsement of this as a strategy for evolution of the product
Participants noted broad interest in collaborating, especially on a path for Ed-Fi → CEDS DW data flows.
Agreed to use the Tech Congress as a place to convene SEAs and MSPs around common strategies for use of SLSD CEDS funding
- Ed-Fi to convene states and MSPs around SLDS grants to Tech Congress
- see if assessment roster is part of OneRoster conversation at Tech Congress, or where that conversation fits in