MSP SIG - Meeting 11 - 2023-08-29


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First NameLast NameOrganization
MarcosAlcozerAlcozer Consulting
SeanCaseyEd-Fi Alliance
DavidClementsEd-Fi Alliance
RoshDhanawadeEducation Analytics
NateGandomiEd-Fi Alliance
JasonHoekstraEd-Fi Alliance
EricJanssonEd-Fi Alliance
MikeMinutoEd-Fi Alliance
JeffPutnamEd-Fi Alliance
AndrewRiceEducation Analytics
MarkTenHoorEducation Analytics
MustafaYilmazEd-Fi Alliance

Support: Ann Su, Ed-Fi Alliance


  1. Assessment vendor coordination – status update + discussion
  2. Sourcing new MSP SIG topics


Assessment vendor coordination

Some discussion on the quid pro quo for providers; some points

  • Assessment roster work - agree with going forth with this as a potential unlock
  • Program data is valuable as well to assessment providers
  • Possibly funding a study of assessment provider costs for API integration

Roster-specific questions

  • Authorization model data may be needed
  • Naming - is "roster" even the right term?
  • Granular data or composite API

Action: Ed-Fi to bring back lessons learned and proposals to move it forward

Sourcing new SIG topics

Open discussion - these topics were raised

  • Role of the alliance vs. role of the MSP in customer success
  • how does the Alliance/the Community monitor MSP behavior regarding adherence to best practice?
  • How does one prep for Ed-Fi before engaging an MSP; is there some readiness matrix that we can produce that helps us as MSPs evaluate and price projects?
  • Deep dives on particular data elements within the API

For next meeting:

  • SEA playbook - review this at the next meeting as this doc plays a role in expectations-settings raised during the sourcing discussion


Next Meeting