MSP SIG - Meeting 4 - 2023-04-18

MSP SIG - Meeting 4 - 2023-04-18


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First NameLast NameOrganization
MarcosAlcozerEd-Fi Alliance
DavidClementsEd-Fi Alliance
JasonHoekstraEd-Fi Alliance
EricJanssonEd-Fi Alliance
MeganNashEducation Analytics
AndrewRiceEducation Analytics
MarkTenHoorEducation Analytics

Support: Ann Su, Ed-Fi Alliance


  • Tech Congress feedback
  • Assessment integration (from last meeting)


Tech Congress feedback

We should ask if LEAs are the right audience for TC and  consider pushing them to attend the Summit instead

  • LEA technical people are often looking for basic guidance and engagement whit MSP, SEA and other complex issues does not provide them with what they need; at the same time, TC should not be a training event (in general, training LEAs is not a good investment for the Alliance)
  • LEAs trying a DIY tend to be “deflated” by the message that they should seek MSP and LEA collaborations, and that message is not clearly actionable at the TC, where it might be at the Summit
  • The Summit focused is energizing in a different way, and there aremore people to interact with and learn from

Community members are still talking about problems that are solved. The Alliance needs to do a better job of guiding the community and sharing best practices and solutions. Lots of time in the field is being wasted.

Tech sessions were “stacked” so you could not see all of them – this was bad for core technical audience who had to choose and not get all the updates they could use.

The event was not technical enough – don’t lose the core technical audience of this event.

The TC could skew over time to be very vendor-focused, esp if/as LEA participation skews towards the Summit. Consider ways to address this, example: special outreach to talented state and ESC tech people, as well as possibly data model issues )which have broad appeal and a larger potential audience)

Assessment Integration

Largely a discussion of the problem space

  • Long-tail market
  • Low technical capabilities of many assessment providers (came out of psychometrics, bit technology)
  • Questions on if the SIS integration pattern works (live connection vs periodic dump)
  • Tendency of community to "fall back" to flat-file import, which scales "OK" (but does have limits), and that degrades requests for API integration
  • Movement of the market (very slowly) towards more frequent cycles

Next meeting to feature an Alliance "where are we now" assessment of the assessment space