MSP SIG - Meeting 6 - 2023-05-31

Date: 2023-05-31


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First NameLast NameOrganization
MarcosAlcozerEd-Fi Alliance
SeanCaseyEd-Fi Alliance
DavidClementsEd-Fi Alliance
RoshDhanawadeEducation Analytics
EricJanssonEd-Fi Alliance
EsharaMondalEducation Analytics
JeffPutnamEd-Fi Alliance
AndrewRiceEducation Analytics
MarkTenHoorEducation Analytics
MustafaYilmazEd-Fi Alliance

Support: Ann Su, Ed-Fi Alliance


  • Update on Data Standard 5 – will cover the pre-release content and forecast changes we predict for v5 (led by Mustafa)
  • Proposed path forward with collective assessment demand generation (proposal developed from the major points made at our last meeting on May 9)
  • Topics for next meeting



Update on Data Standard 5

See file above

Some questions/thoughts on governance and how to improve it in the long-run; main strategy is currently to improve volume and frequency of communication and feedback opportunities

Assessment data integration

Reviewed the proposed process (see MSP SIG - Meeting 5 - 2023-05-09) on assessment data integration, and agreement from the group that MSPs will participate in this process.

Focus will be mostly but not exclusively on widely-used interim vendors.

Sean to take the lead on assessment vendor coordination

Topics for next meeting

  1. Overview of ODS 7.0 release
  2. Continue Assessment vendor discussion
    • Compare notes on interim assessment providers
    • Sean will do some pre work and share information before meeting
      • Will create an Excel file or similar format to collect data

Next meeting