MSP SIG - Meeting 12 - 2023-09-12

MSP SIG - Meeting 12 - 2023-09-12


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First NameLast NameOrganization
MarcosAlcozerAlcozer Consulting
KathleenBrowningEd-Fi Alliance
SeanCaseyEd-Fi Alliance
RoshDhanawadeEducation Analytics
JasonHoekstraEd-Fi Alliance
EricJanssonEd-Fi Alliance
AndrewRiceEducation Analytics
MarkTenHoorEducation Analytics
MustafaYilmazEd-Fi Alliance

Support: Ann Su, Ed-Fi Alliance


  1. Feedback on SEA Overview and Implementation playbook (Eric)
  2. Question on how to handle availability statements connected to badges and certification (David Clements)
  3.  Information sharing re adoption (Sean Casey)
  4. MSP Services best practices (Jeff)



Covered items 1 and 3 and held items 2 and 4 for a later meeting

Feedback on SEA Overview and Implementation playbook

key notes

  • Should mention agility - these are large complex projects prone to unforeseen issues
  • Descriptor mappings is very confusing; capability of the SIS to do this  is uneven as well
  • Agencies often underestimate vendor engagement
    • the "bully pulpit" is not as strong as they believe it is
    • changes to state specifications can have massive downstream impacts that put LEAs and vendors in a very bad situation, because states are not accustomed to factoring in a software development cycle that takes time – unlike with CSV and file-based submissions, change cannot happen quick with an API client
  • Maybe add a common issues section to reflect places where SEAs are often surprise
  • Should add elements about upgrades and follow-through
  • Perhaps something about the role of standards
  • Alliance go forth with this for LEA collaboratives/ESAs? Yes
  • Generally there are RFPs to "solve all data problems" and those rarely work well - how can we guard against those?
  • Format feedback?
    • Big bureaucracies only work through PowerPoint
    • Having a high-level view is important

Information sharing re adoption

  • Quarterly meeting format with a quid pro quo feel
  • Anonymization of pipeline may be important
  • Provide leads? Yes, might be interesting, need to think about this
  • A slide with all numbers for the SEAs, collabs, and district adoption can help push trust in the maturity of the standard. 

Next Meeting