User Experience 2019-12-11 Meeting notes

User Experience 2019-12-11 Meeting notes




  • Review Metric Priority and Refine Use Case
  • Metric Priority Survey Comments
  • Open Items 
  • Data Element Review

Discussion items

Metric Priority

 Survey Comments
  •  Where data is disaggregated by demographics, please make sure that there not only is a column for the total count but there's also a column for total percentage. The problem that I had with the ranking is that it depends on the user.  A district-level Director of Student Services would probably start by scanning the level of incidences at each site and then dig deeper into the types of incidences and if there are patterns with location or time of day because that can affect support to the schools.  A school-based counselor or administrator may be more interested in seeing which students have multiple incidents and digging deeper into factors that may be affecting that individual student's behavior.  In a system, both the high level summary data and the individual data is valuable; the priority may vary by type of user though.
    • Argues for metric 1 and 7 and 8 – this should cover it
  • We should have a way to report actions/disciplinary responses conditional on the type of infraction across demographic groups; this is a typical thing that the Office of Civil Rights requests in consent decrees and is also useful to illustrate equity in punishment.  It would also be important to show the duration of things like in/out of school suspensions since they result in missed instructional time.  If there is a way to drill down in the dashboard it may be more effective to use multiple dashboard elements for each of the distinct demographic groups which then allow users to drill down to individual student-level data for detailed information. Also, it may be useful to consider that not all organizations define major/minor events; so what would the contingency be for those instances so a single piece of content could be used to satisfy both cases?  Maybe using a multiple select filter/slicer would make things a bit more flexible across more use cases?
    •  Add this as a row under each suspension type in the actions taken metric??  This is addressed under incidents by students
    • Itzel: discussed at general session: data is there but visualization might be different; ideal to map what kind of action apply to what incident and to whom for one of the top three metrics
    • Itzel: dashboard drill down - how much to put into one report to allow drill down
  • Just a note, I think that the "Number/Percentage of incidents reported by reporter type..." is mislabeled, compared to the example in the spreadsheet I think this should say "reporter staff".
    •  Severity is not in the data model - will need a filter
    • ReportName is the data field in Ed-Fi

Open Items 
  • Showing the percentage of attendance from the time a student is enrolled rather than just reporting the absence.
    • Itzel: Tech team to discuss this afternoon, consensus is to address this as an option
  • How to flag chronic absenteeism (10% or more of total days enrolled)
    • Rick: Flag chronic absences in red on the student report?
  • Do we want to also see excused and unexcused absences?
    • Rick: reported under chronic absenteeism
    • Itzel: too much information in one report?
  • Metric Roll up - which metrics roll up and how the rollup amounts are reported.
    • Itzel: Tech team: how to roll it up; need to define top level to drill down; flash out visualization
    • Rick: top level = district, next = school, last = classroom
  • Incident Severity Levels: How do we identify major/minor?

Data Elements

Data Element Name - Ed-Fi



Full legal name of the person.


A unique alphanumeric code assigned to a student.


The identifier assigned to a school.


School enrolling the Student.



The month, day, and year on which an individual enters and begins to receive instructional services in a school.
The month, day, and year of the first day after the date of an individual's last attendance at a school (if known), the day on which an individual graduated, or the date on which it becomes known officially that an individual left school.


School responsible for student's discipline.



A code describing the attendance event, for example: Present Unexcused absence Excused absence Tardy.
Date for this attendance event.

Student Race/Ethnicity, ELL, SPED (and disability code)

Student Gender

Student socio-economic status

Date of Birth

Grade level


A locally assigned unique identifier (within the school or school district) to identify each specific DisciplineIncident or occurrence. The same identifier should be used to document the entire DisciplineIncident even if it included multiple offenses and multiple offenders.


Describes behavior by category and provides a detailed description.


Relates the DisciplineIncident to the school where the incident occurred.


The month, day, and year on which the DisciplineIncident occurred.


An indication of the time of day the incident took place.


Identifies where the DisciplineIncident occurred and whether or not it occurred on school, for example: On school Administrative offices area Cafeteria area Classroom Hallway or stairs ...

no Ed-Fi element for this

Severity of offense - major/minor


Type of action, such as removal from the classroom, used to discipline the student involved as a perpetrator in a discipline incident.


Identifier assigned by the education organization to the DisciplineAction


The date of the DisciplineAction.


The length of time in school days for the DisciplineAction (e.g. removal, detention), if applicable.


Reference to the DisciplineIncident associated with the DisciplineAction.



Identifies the reporter of the DisciplineIncident by name.
Identifies the staff reporter of the DisciplineIncident by use of a pre-existing school or district unique identifier.

Action items

  • Itzel Torres (Deactivated) Conduct Working session with Teach Team this afternoon on how to present the data; narrow down what they want to use as architecture, proof of concept to test out some of the theories
  • Itzel Torres (Deactivated) Put top three metrics into use cases; have this group collaborate with Tech Team beginning of next year

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