User Experience 2019-08-28 Meeting notes

User Experience 2019-08-28 Meeting notes




  • Pending Tasks
  • Master Plan Timeline review
  • Next steps

Discussion items

Pending Tasks
  • A bit behind on original planned dates, but considering the tech team will not be starting work on the MVP until next year based on master plan and their work so far we can catch up:
    • User personas: Reached out to other members not part of the subgroup to get their feedback and help filling in the gaps. Goal is to share template, notes and core set of personas with GAT and community by end of September.
    • This should close out phase 1 deliverables of a rubric for analysis of use cases. What we will share/include in this:
Use Case templateUsed by other work groups, idea is to have a standard set of documents for project driven workgroups to deliver and work through.
User Persona template

What we used to develop our user personas, should include notes on why each of the info is important to capture for others to review and use.

User Persona resources
For those that might not be used to creating these for projects, Fred Edora (Unlicensed) shared some good articles, will find a few more guides.
Student Discipline User Persona definitionsWill share with the community as a starting point for use case definition for our work.
Main problem statements and assumptions
From survey and interview feedback, Itzel Torres will start adding some from survey and interview notes shared by Molly Stewart to our worksheet.

Interview guidelines & template 

Work in progress, started in the Ed-Fi Dashboard user group as a way to fill in the district feedback gap from the original survey. Will add a few more questions and have a district leadership and teacher version:


All these assets can be found under our working folder: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1N--l6twmw8aZYhvZJxN22YX3Qus9EFt-

 Master Plan Review

Proposed master plan: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1uJh4QcO8XF6n6b_YjRq5PER6-gS2xK5f

 Main Goals for this sub-group to have before the Summit:

  1. Finalize an initial list of problem statements and assumptions 
  2. Interview guide for district leadership and teachers
  • Goal is to have these interview guides and list of problem statements and initial assumptions before the Summit so we can validate these during the summit as much as possible, will follow up with 20 minute interviews in October for those users that we cannot reach to during the Summit.

By End of Year:

  • Get consensus with group on proposed path forward, will use our Summit meeting on  to drill down into possible options. Our next general session meeting  will be used to level set expectations and understanding before our in person meeting.

Next Steps
  • Will send out a new meeting recurrence, moving to bi-weekly meetings. Might need to find a new time. Itzel Torres will reach out to members next week.

Action items

  • Molly Stewart will share interview guides for teachers used in their project for reference
  • Itzel Torres will share Student Discipline related interview notes with group - from INsite work.

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