User Experience 2019-08-14 Meeting notes

User Experience 2019-08-14 Meeting notes




  • Updates
  • Milestones and timeline
  • Summit working session agenda 

Discussion items


  • Student Discipline draft notes:
    • Reviewing notes from Molly on their interviews around student discipline.
  • RVWG LEA interview guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Mq6YNP9FJHOOibzVk_zAdfs9UKzLLW2v2F6YFhL5GXE
    • This interview guide is part of the work from the Ed-Fi Dashboard evaluation group, the goal is to complement the original survey that was missing LEA feedback. 
    • Please share any comments or contacts that could spare 20 minutes of their time for a phone call in the next month.
Milestones and timeline
  • What can we achieve in the upcoming weeks:
    • Need a better way to track subgroup progress and milestone alignment. Itzel Torres will create a master plan and share with the group, maybe put it on the landing page.
    • Limited availability to hold sessions as the school year gets started, we believe we can have the Use case definition first draft with the Student Discipline Use Case with proposed MVP functionality by the Summit working session.
    •  Itzel Torres will start capturing features, problem statements and user persona details from these notes and share with the group for review so that we can make progress outside of scheduled working sessions.

 Summit Working Session Agenda Proposed Agenda
  • Ed-Fi Dashboard Overview: Pros and Cons
  • Tech Evaluation Overview: Technology Landscape, what is available now
  • Brainstorming session: options for a path forward for visualizations.

Action items


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