New States SIG - 2023-10-18
New States SIG - 2023-10-18
Meeting Record LINK
Agenda and Notes
- Ed-Fi Academy – What additional guidance would you like to see for data models and descriptors?
- Understanding level
- Vermont - did a few mapping to feel comfortable but was a bit confusing at the beginning
- Having content geared toward someone who is new would have been helpful
- Nate – useful links in Ed-Fi Tech Docs
- Vermont - did a few mapping to feel comfortable but was a bit confusing at the beginning
- Vermont - descriptor - no one place that had all information about descriptors for Ed-Fi
- Just a spreadsheet of descriptor variables would be helpful
- Provide table SQL
- way to apply and structure
- EA provided spreadsheet for align tool, mapping documentation
- Vermont - at CEDS, we have work group for adding elements
- KB - we are always looking for new data elements; open a ticket so it is elevated to our data model team
- Kansas
- Wasn’t clear at the beginning; took a while to find the resources
- Once it became clear, it was a lot easier
- Need an overview on-ramp
- KB - a data dictionary that translates community terms to Ed-Fi terms, e.g., code set = descriptor
- Sayee - don’t spend more than 2 hours looking for document, just send message/Slack to Kathleen or Sayee
- Understanding level
- Admin App support
- KB - assume states are using Admin App to connect vendor to the sandbox
- Sayee - how far and where are you using Admin App
- Kansas
- We are in a test stage environment, admin stage 4 sandbox, letting SIS vendors in, passing credentials to vendors
- Haven’t gone to production with admin app
- Our team adding data into Admin App, using the dashboard perspective
- Vendors don’t have any interaction; we provide the sandbox
- Sayee - Are you keeping the same credential in the staging environment?
- We just have the testing stage environment
- DoubleLine created sandbox for vendor,
- Vendors are interacting the sandboxes in the staging environment, and Admin App is being used
- We just have the testing stage environment
- Sayee - are vendors sending live data?
- Kansas - no, no actual data
- Question for KB to ask Double Line
- Ask questions pertaining if Kansas is using out of box Admin App or Kansas specific Admin App
- Keys and secretes - managed in Admin database
- There needs to be an Admin Console
- Vermont
- we have been given access, but we have not really started to use it other than James.
- Vermont
- It was super helpful to have Admin App
- EA created their own Admin App about to release; it suits all needs
- Vermont will be using EA Admin App
- As an SEA, I’d like to let LEA create sub-accounts for their own Admin App
- Sayee - Ed-Fi Alliance going towards Admin API and discontinue support for Admin App
- Community discovery - Admin App not used in actual testing or production environments; not completed functional for field needs
- Fields created Admin consoles to fill the needs: IN, TX, WI, etc.
- Current Admin App was designed for LEAs but not sufficient for SEAs
- Looking to have SC open source Admin App added to the Exchange
- Community discovery - Admin App not used in actual testing or production environments; not completed functional for field needs
- KB to talk to other states to note timeline of where Admin App is used
- Kansas
- Data Mapping - Vermont demo (see recording for demo)
- Starting blocks
- Data managers at LEA level can assign their own claim set for their vendors
- Data Collection and Reporting Knowledge Base - mapping of legacy codesets to Ed-Fi descriptors
- Governance section - define what descriptors are and what programs are defined
- Mapping of Ed-Fi domain and legacy code spreadsheet
- explain PK mapping
- Universal state pre-K program
- Public funded 10 hour/week
- Created our own program type descriptor
- KB - recommended using extension versus using Ed-Fi core field that is inconsistent with its original definition
- Universal state pre-K program
- Early Childhood Domain Model
- Early Childhood SIG meeting PPT and Recording
- Vermont
- We have a system where a child can attend any pre-k program in any district, creating multiple enrollment
- Sayee
- All states need to extend the model for student early program association
- Working Draft 10 - Early Childhood Domain Model
- States are to create the model and make it a requirement for vendors
- Summit – reminder about SEA Community Meet Up on Monday, 10/23/2023, 1-3pm CT
- Beginning of the Year and End of the Year procedures for state’s ODS/API ⇒ save for next meeting
- Data Validation => save for next meeting, KB will share a diagram
Action Items
- Kathleen to ask DoubleLine about Admin API for Kansas
- Kathleen to speak to other states and note the timeline of where Admin API is used
Next meeting
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