New States SIG - 2024-03-20
Meeting Materials:
Meeting recording LINK
Agenda and Notes
Any updates you would like to report?
Review what should be happening in the ‘Pilot Phase’
See Kathleen’s word doc: Pilot Phase Activities
Ed-Fi Courses:
Ed-Fi 271 Large Scale Ed-Fi ODS/API Deployments
Ed-Fi 272 Tech Providers Engagement
Ed-Fi 274 LEA Support model
Any new Topics or Questions you would like to discuss for next month?
Pilot Phase Overview
Continue or start modifying the SEAs downstream systems to pull data out of the ODS
Downstream systems: think about groups that will be impact because their data will be coming from a different source
Update data arch. Diagram and share with Ed-Fi team to help us see your plan, vision, and identify potential problems
Complete working on a LEA portal…
Dave (1:17 PM) - one of our big checks for level II stuff, is a percentage change over 10% in any category. it could be there is a change but it also flags a lot of errors that are the type you are talking about
Vydyanadham question at 1:18pm
Ed-Fi Article on validation strategies will be released soon. Kathleen will let the team know when it’s released.
Dave Q at 1:28pm
Annie share living document
LEAs (slide) > Kathleen’s document
This is one of the largest underestimated stages
If your LEA fails in pilot then your LEA fails. Without their participation, you have no data. The most important player to your pilot.
Make sure every ESA has at least one LEA in the pilot.
If you’re using an education agency in your state.
If you can do XML, you can do API
Failures = API errors on the SIS system
We’re asking them to learn a new technology so patience is key
Think of the pilot as a learning opp to blow up and take to a statewide level. Take good notes and work on your own documentation
Strongly encourage weekly meetings with vendors and bi-weekly with SEA
How do I pick the LEA?
Good team members for good pilot and parallel
Vendors (slide definition > Kathleen’s document)
These are all things you should vendors to do during your pilot
If you have a new vendor who hasn’t done Ed-Fi then they have to build a new dashboard to view submissions, validate errors. Potentially large task ahead of them
Pilots should last 3-6 months
Allow late vendors time to finish before parallel starts.
The parallel process is this but x10s larger with every vendor and every district
Pilot - SEA Tasks (slide)
Updates to Data Architecture (slide)
Ed-Fi Academy courses that are focused on SEA work (slide)
Nearly 20 SEA academy courses
Kathleen shows process of how to locate these courses
Implementation Capabilities Framework (ICFs) Overview document
Life Cycle: Planning, pilot, parallel, production (1:50pm)
Kathleen to Julie re: their pilot planning so these documents apply
Drew (1:53pm): Planning, pilot, parallel, production. What does parallel mean? The entire state participates in a larger version of your pilot.
Any new topics or questions you would like to discuss for next month
Next meeting 15 May 2024