New States SIG - 2024-02-21


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First NameLast NameOrganization
ChristineArmstrongKansas State Department of Education
JulieCookKansas State Department of Education
BrianHoseyKansas State Department of Education
JenniferShafferKansas State Department of Education
DrewBennettVermont Education Agency
CassidyCanzaniVermont Education Agency
DavidKelleyVermont Education Agency
JamesNadeauVermont Education Agency
DavidKelleyVermont Education Agency
JamesNadeauVermont Education Agency
StevenArnoldEd-Fi Alliance
KathleenBrowningEd-Fi Alliance
MichaelMinutoEd-Fi Alliance
MustafaYilmazEd-Fi Alliance

Support: Ann Su, Ed-Fi Alliance

Meeting Materials:

Agenda and Notes

  • Introductions and purpose of SIG meeting
    • Customer Success Team - Kathleen, Mike, and Steven
  • State Status
    • Refer to PPT slide #1 for state status
    •  Kansas and Vermont - confirmed still doing dummy data in sandbox
  • Vendor Communications during Pilot and Parallel stages
    • SEA Implementation Playbook
    • Vendor Communications - Refer to PPT slide #3
      • Each vendor is on their own timeline
      • Communication you provide may vary
    • For Pilot stage, verify on their ODS for if any data is missing or inaccurate
      • May need to update requirement (use version numbering to keep track) based on finding
      • Communicate with vendors weekly or at least bi-weekly
        • Update requirements
        • Any changes to timeline
      • Vermont - is there a convention for Versioning the spec, should it start with the edfi version number and then add state specific revisions to the end of that number? 
        • Steven - best to start with 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, etc.
      • Use Pilot ODS for level 2 validation with different vendors
    • Transition from Pilot to Parallel
      • Working with additional vendors and districts, larger data
      • Recommend at least one of each:  large,  medium, and  small size districts
        • Each size district bring different potential use cases, errors to resolve
      • Communicating requirements
        • E.g. have 3 versions for requirement from Pilot stage
        • Make sure communicate all versions with all vendors
        • Make sure vendors have applied the latest releases
      • Parallel stage may bring additional changes to requirements
        • Document and communicate to vendors as soon as possible
      • At the end of Parallel stage, there should be no additional changes to requirement, unless there is a new state requirement
      • Parallel stage will succeed with communications with vendors, documenting changes by versions, and vendors adhering to latest version
    • Have realist start and end dates for Pilot and Parallel stages
    • Alliance has monthly meetings with SIS and MSP vendors
      • Feedback from vendor stress importance of communications
    • Additional reference materials: Academy courses

Next meeting