SWG 2021-05-05 Meeting


First NameLast NameOrganization
MelissaAroWisconsin Department of Public Instruction
BrittoAugustineArizona Department of Education
JillAurandNebraska Department of Education
AaronBrownSouth Carolina Department of Education
RohithChintamaneniArizona Department of Education
SwethaChinthapallySouth Carolina Department of Education
ThomasChristensenWisconsin DPI
WyattCothranSouth Carolina Department of Education
DebbieDaileyIndiana Department of Education
JenniferDuganMinnesota DOE
KenFettigNorth Dakota Information Technology Department
JoleenGrossNorth Dakota Information Technology Department
TerriHansonTexas Education Agency
AadiHirurkarArizona Department of Education
JohnKellerIndiana Department of Education
ScottKuykendallDelaware DOE
DorisMannMichigan CEPI
KarenMilletteMinnesota DOE
DanielRalyeaSouth Carolina Department of Education
LathaRamasamyTennessee Department of Education
JohnRaubWisconsin DPI
DavidReegMinnesota DOE
MaxReinerNebraska Department of Education
AudreyShayWisconsin DPI
LeanneSimonsTexas Education Agency
SayeeSrinivasanEd-Fi Alliance
WendyStephensSouth Carolina Department of Education
RickThompsonSouth Carolina Department of Education
MaureenWentworthEd-Fi Alliance
JeanWoodNew Mexico Public Education Department


Nancy Wilson, Ann Su - Ed-Fi Governance Support

Meeting recording LINK

Refer to the PPT  for additional details on the meeting minutes and discussions.

The meeting was held on 2021-05-05 1:00Pm -2:00pm CT via WebEx


  • Action Items from April SEA WG Meeting
    • Accommodation Needs – subgroup meetings scheduled with SC and IN.
    • Service to Non-Enrolled Student Use Case – subgroup meeting to be scheduled
  • Summer Enrichment Use Case - IN
  • Graduation Pathways Use Case - IN and WI
    • Forming a working session group next week
  • Data Specifications Timeline - states discussing their current process
  • Section Data for Non-Conventional Scheduling Use Case - IN
  • Priority Use Case List - Google Sheet

Meeting Notes

Data Specifications Timeline - states shared their current process

  • WI - JSON
    • Vendor Spec 80-90% by Jan
    • Extension for ancestry ethnic id - adoption by 21-22 school year
    • Addition after data publication
  • Arizona is similar but this year had to take more time for learning modality specifications.
    • By the end of January have a sandbox environment for vendors to use for testing to be ready for next year.
    • Non-breaking change we do introduce as we go in our development and testing cycle. Publish standard and for later minor releases from Ed-Fi you accept them and wait for integrating major releases until the next year.
    • For change in version/upgrade in June vendors need to be informed well before implementation.
    • Per WI can use an older SDK without a new version API and what gets generated is the JSON that needs to be sent.
    • WI does not use basic claim sets - we control which entities/resources can be accessed. We take the data but don’t do anything with it downstream.
  • Texas
    • Data standard not updated until next year if timing is late (December/March timeline for publishing).
    • Is graduation scheduling the top priority - do you want ed-fi to facilitate this? Yes but cannot prioritize one over another - have hired consultant group to help us with this

Summer Enrichment Use Case - Indiana (refer to PPT - link above)

  • How to capture enrichment and learning recovery this summer and maybe next few years
    • Supplying data is a condition for receiving state and federal grant for IN
    • Tie back to course transcript although credits are not awarded
    • Student/School association
    • Prescribing program names to schools
      • Math
      • ELA
      • College & Career
      • Social & Emotional Learning
    • Arizona introduced a program requirement for Federal funding - 21st Century Community Learning Center
      • Capture attendance and program time log
    • Wisconsin
      • Using existing course completion process for gathering summer credits
      • Summer enrollment for CTE
    • Sayee to combine IN and AZ models for common pattern for review at the next meeting

Graduation Pathways Use Case - IN and WI (refer to PPT - link above)

  • Forming a working session group in the next 2 weeks for states that are interested
  • IN
    • Adopted in 2020 cohort, individualized graduation requirement
    • PBL student transcript: IN has to map academic record to course data
  • WI
    • JSON
    • LEAs submit district level graduation plan with one common plan for all high schools
    • WI can share how they gather work-based learning and service-based learning

Section Data for Non-Conventional Scheduling Use Case - IN

  • How are other states covering these scenarios?
    • WI is experiencing all these issues; interested in how IN makes project based learning work
    • From Sayee: Is graduation scheduling the top priority - do you want ed-fi to facilitate this? Yes but cannot prioritize one over another - have hired a consultant group to help us with this. Definitely a high priority.
    • Indiana summer enrichment - a work in progress with adjustments to be made in 2022 and clean data by 2023.
  • Ed-Fi to facilitate subgroup discussion
    • NE is interested

Action Items:

  • May need to extend future monthly meetings to an hour and a half
  • Summer Enrichment - Sayee to combine IN and AZ models for common pattern for review at the next meeting

Next meeting:  

Last Update: