2021-01-07 Study Group: State Leads Meeting

2021-01-07 Study Group: State Leads Meeting


Attendees: See member roster for names and organizations.

The meeting was held via WebEx 2021-01-07, 11:00-11:45am CT

Slide deck can be found here. Please refer to the deck for details of the meeting.

Meeting recording can be viewed here.


  • Welcome
  • Strawman Model for capturing the student’s planned/actual time in each modality
  • Next Steps:      
    • SEA interviews for interest
    • SIS vendors meeting
    • Student’s actual time being spent in a modality - Cataloging what IN has done 
    • Schedule – 2 days in person and 3 days remote – How are states doing this?
    • Adopting the Learning Modality Data Capture
    • EBT Cards – use case and the relationship between the learning modality and the issuance of the EBT cards
    • Special Education Services


  • Strawman Model for capturing the student’s planned/actual time in each modality
    • Would like to know the time frame for common ask- Scott: we will have our ask to PowerSchool in April. Per Sayee Wisconsin submits their data specifications in the Dec/Jan timeline.  The model should be ready by Jan mid.  
    • The model shows LearningModality common type being added to the StudentProgramAssociation.  LearningModality common type has three attributes, ModalityType, ModalityTime and ModalityTimeType.  See the diagram. 
    • We covered in our previous sessions the use case of a student participating in a learning modality for a certain time period for example  in-person, remote or hybrid with details using the existing StudentProgramAssociation.  
    • This will show the duration of time that a student is in a specific modality - trying to match as closely as possible to what is in the SIS programs and general pattern is not connected to scheduling entities.  SIS systems are not collecting the actual student rotation schedule in a hybrid modality like Mon/Tue in ‘In-Person’ and Wed/Thurs/Fri’ in ‘Remote’ learning.  This does not exist in the SIS systems.   
    • From Scott - Eschoolplus is connecting this to the days in the calendar. Would like more discussion especially related to positive attendance. 
    • From Suman - Is there anything connected to the calendar?
    • No do not want to do modality under calendar or bell schedule, but showing a way of capturing modality and minutes spent there. Recommending that it be on the program association and not on the calendar. Type of program is hybrid and modality can be tied to that. On a daily basis our recommendation is to tie it to student attendance. To use the instructional calendar, that can be done to mark the types of day to modality but that cannot be tied to individual students. Per Scott K, Eschool plus this can be done at a higher level with the calendar associated with the program.
    • LEAs and States can record the modality on a single day basis by using the begin and end dates in Studentprogramassociation.  But for a hybrid modality, SISs are not recording MW and Tue/Thurs/Fri level of rotations for every student - this information is off the books for the SIS. Students in a hybrid model are assigned a group in the SIS. Trying to avoid having to enumerate where each student is each day. 
    • Most SISs haven’t implemented student program attendance events and may not be the best option for semantics. Could have a couple calendars reflecting attendance at different programs. North Dakota is using the creation of two individual programs Hybrid A and Hybrid B. 
    • Studentprogramassociation and studentschoolevent: Using the first could be a way to show planned time and also a way to be able to show aggregate. Aggregate is at the student level with a date range rather than studentschoolevent which is an actual day by day capture.

  • Next Steps:      

    • Student’s actual time being spent in a modality - Cataloging what IN has done 
      • From data specification or legislative mandate: 
        • In IN they are doing positive attendance this year and have a mandate in place without legislation that we are collecting daily attendance without modality minutes (we leverage calendar for this). 
    • Adopting the Learning Modality Data Capture - SEA interest
      • In AZ attendance is useful for us - school finance and HNS want this data; in 20-21 we can go with a simple model of multiple program types tied with attendance descriptors for distance learning and hybrid and implement more for 21-22. Met with vendors and working to get their feedback - by the end of month we need to present a model for 21-22. Are not going to positive attendance but working on new descriptors that allow us to capture the actual minutes of learning modalities. Short term is focus on minimal impact to vendors and LEAs so use what is available now with additional descriptors for this year. How can this group help as you plan for 21-22?
      • In DE the model we are pulling data from came from Eschool - learning locations model and we are talking about how we need this in Ed-Fi. Would like to talk with others in the group to see how we can implement this. We are pulling this data in directly and bypassing Ed-Fi. Would be best option be pulling in calendar days? 
      • Need to document what each state is doing especially those states that are further along.
      • Scott - concern about changing Delaware standards on what the calendars are - will need to study this further.

Action Items:

  • Need to correct slide and take general off of generalstudentprogramassociation
  • Sayee will talk further with the states individually (½ hour each) working on this. Need to document what each state is doing especially those states that are further along. Next week will be meeting with Debbie and cataloging what IN has done.
  • Would like more discussion especially related to positive attendance.
  • Schedule separate meeting to continue discussion for EBT Cards and Special Education Services.

Next meeting: TBD


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