SWG Section Data for Non-Conventional Scheduling 2021-05-13 Meeting


First NameLast NameOrganization
RohithChintamaneniArizona Department of Education
DebbieDaileyIndiana Department of Education
AadiHirurkarArizona Department of Education
JohnKellerIndiana Department of Education
JohnRaubWisconsin DPI
MaxReinerNebraska Department of Education
AudreyShayWisconsin DPI
SayeeSrinivasanEd-Fi Alliance
MichelleTubbsIndiana Department of Education
MaureenWentworthEd-Fi Alliance


Ann Su - Ed-Fi Governance Support

Meeting recording LINK

The meeting was held on 2021-05-13,  2:00 pm - 3:45 pm CT, via WebEx

Agenda and Notes:

  • Indiana Category Spreadsheet - Debbie and Michelle Tubbs
    • Concept of use case/how are other states addressing these issues
      • Education org looking for flexibility in scheduling for attendance and grade
      • Conflicts with State requiring accountable educator
      • Vendors have problems with mapping to state requirements.  The 
      • Districts are managing outside of SIS - for the students in that section, districts take those group of students in that section , manually add the courses, subjects and responsible staff information and submit to file-based legacy system
      • Output - state subject code captured, student to educator connection. 
      • There is a way to connect the responsible teacher to the group of students and hence accountability is lost since the student-responsible staff connection is lost.  The teacher who is in the section is only a babysitter making sure that the students are logging in and doing the work.  
      • Neither the monitoring teacher nor the responsible teacher are interacting with the students.  
  • Credit recovery period
    • Use Case - Multiple students are grouped in a single class with a monitoring teacher. Each student may be studying a different academic subject with a different accountable educator.
    • students grouped together but studying individual needs/subjects.  For example 20 students in a single section, 10 students could be studying ELA and the other 10 could be studying Math.  
    • Vendor (PowerSchool) 
      • Come up with backend program to split the section before submitting to the state
      • School has no overall control of how data is split
      • PS has extended the model to add ”responsible staff” on student section association 
    • Ed-Fi model highlighting need of data structure to support local level.  
    • Cohort
    • WI
      • Section holds the possibilities
      • Student section holds courses
      • Don’t have a way to overcome this issue
      • Programs where student can be in one section and tied to more than one program
      • If SIS is able to front-end, transpose to Ed-Fi model, various sections need to link together.
      • Section has the program collection.  But there is no way to identify if a student is participating in what program and if a student is not at all participating in a particular program.  
      • Extend on student section to show what they participate in (varies)
      • Our use cases for allowing programs at student section association (21/22 extension) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_PFjAtxC3NeyvT6rF-rB_pFTl_45ApSFwqj7VQQJ4o8/edit#bookmark=id.xowi94wyasox
    • NE
      • Same issue, especially for schools with distant learning
      • Districts not reporting course data
      • SIS vendor enhancement not available
      • Hierarchy
        • Student section association
          • Student section association/staff association
          • Student section/course code
        • Section
      • Don’t know who the “responsible staff” is especially for distant learning
    • Options
      • Do due diligence to assess level of effort
      • Provide opportunity to override, better to having the data than not
      • Change district practice model to not have 1 big section but split into cohorts with responsible staff, monitoring staff, and academic subjects
      • Tweak ed-fi model

Action Items:

  • Sayee to put together model for Debbie based on WI student section association for review at next meeting

Next meeting:  

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