SWG 2021-09-09 Meeting


First NameLast NameOrganization
JillAurandNebraska Department of Education
SwethaChinthapallySouth Carolina Department of Education
WyattCothranSouth Carolina Department of Education
DebbieDaileyIndiana Department of Education
AadiHirukarArizona Department of Education
TracyKorsmoNorth Dakota Information Technology Department
ScottKuykendallDelaware DOE
DorisMannMichigan CEPI
JohnRaubWisconsin DPI
MaxReinerNebraska Department of Education
AudreyShayWisconsin DPI
SayeeSrinivasanEd-Fi Alliance
RickThompsonSouth Carolina Department of Education
MaureenWentworthEd-Fi Alliance
JeanWoodNew Mexico Public Education Department


Nancy Wilson, Ann Su - Ed-Fi Governance Support

Meeting recording LINK

Refer to the PPT  for additional details on the meeting minutes and discussions.

The meeting was held on 2021-09-09 1:00Pm -2:15pm CT via WebEx


  • Overview of SIS Vendor Cost Research
  • Implementation Fidelity Planning
  • Priorities and requests for 2022

Meeting Notes

Agenda Item 1: Overview of SIS Vendor Cost Research

  • Key Findings:
    • Traditional SEA reporting specification practice – which has carried over into Ed-Fi practice – asks for data elements which often requires complex business logic.
      • Categories of business logic
        • Offloading calculations from state to SIS
        • In a significant number of cases these are aggregate values that free the state of having to request the data necessary to derive these aggregates (see examples on subsequent slides)
        • Aligning internal data model complexity to Ed-Fi’s model
        • Not infrequently, this data model complexity is due to a SIS state edition
        • Simple field filtering (e.g., “don’t send field X”)
        • Simple mappings ​​
    • This logic is a significant cost burden on SIS systems, and the large reason they must customize heavily.
    • SISs are successfully resisting similar complexity in LEA support, but it is early and there are open questions to resolve
    • Differences in SIS approaches and architectures are likely affecting SIS experiences; there is likely opportunity for mutual benefit from sharing
    • More minor cost drivers possibly worth considering
  • Vendor asks for business logics examples
    • Enrollment date tied to other systems (e.g., transportation system). SIS vendors have to look at multiple systems before sending the data to States. 
    • Complex logic for sending attendance.
  • WI
    • If not handled by SIS, then handled by districts using the SIS. There are three places that the business logic can be handled, districts, vendors and states.  States are not in a position to collect all the data.  In those scenarios, states can collect aggregate numbers for accountability and compliance reasons.
    • States unable to handle to logic as we don’t have all the data in the SIS
    • Who should be responsible?
      • Sayee - 3 places to collect data
        • SIS, district state
        • Aggregate value done as a business logic
    • WI - Doesn’t need to collect daily attendance, but SIS needs to provide an account date.
    • Need to know more specifically what the calculation is about.
    • Simple mapping for some use cases to get vendors to standardize at SEA level is challenging, but productive.
  • Maureen
    • State and local policy requirements
    • Sayee
      • Separate business elements
  • IN
    • Is there a recommended best practice? We need to have another process for us to have better conversation with the vendors. What would the process look like?
    • IN wants to check with our vendors on how IN’s implementation is. Ed-Fi encourages states to have a conversation with their vendors to hear the feedback about their implementation. 

Agenda Item 2:  Implementation Fidelity Planning

  • Proposed Direction for the SEA community - Design and vet a framework to affirm implementation fidelity including:
    • Audit – Self-serve survey tool
      • States are expected to review their extensions and business logic to stay aligned to the standard. Alliance did the same work for DE and it was time consuming. 
      • Design to have ready to use by end of 2022
      • Utilize the framework
    • Accreditation – Peer engagement process every 5 years
    • Vendor Forum/Workgroup
  • Feedback
    • NE - Interested to move away from extensions, would be interested to see what the differences are and the best way to do it.
    • Sayee shared work done with DE 2019 POC
      • Review implementation and provide community best practice to support interoperability at scale
      • State self auditing of implementation
    • IN - hearing directly from vendor is helpful on where state is off track
    • WI - can we work as an SEA group to come to some agreement?. WI said that going back and reviewing the extensions and business logic will need a lot of time. Instead they would prefer to come to an alignment on the new use cases using the SEA WG.
    • Sayee - For emerging use cases we are doing this but for we also need to take a step back to review what we have done in the data model
    • Sayee - extensions have been reviewed in the past
    • AZ
      • Good opportunity for us to provide feedback
      • Change on vendor side - integrity rule for validation check need a rule created
      • Would be interested in working with their leadership to pilot this
    • Maureen - we will review feedback and send out recommended plan moving forward
    • WI - there will be times when we formalize the process by working together when an SEA releases an RFC; this is what we’re planning for the new school year and sending out six weeks ahead of time - ask peers and vendors for input on what they have done in the same area; does Ed-Fi have the ability to host that sharing for comments
    • MI - Getting it ahead of time would be really helpful. That way I can share with coworkers and stakeholders for more feedback.
    • AZ - other topic: about digital equity, I need edfi implementation details. Arizona needs to implement it this year. Thanks!
    • Sayee - Alliance can create a SEA Data Requirements Forum on TechDocs to host the specifications from States. The audience for this document are other states, vendors and the Alliance.  The community can review and provide a feedback mechanism.  How do we let the community enter feedback?  Should this be in a ticket? 
    • NE - newest OMB for Ed Facts should be coming up before too long and should be discussed here for common feedback from our SEA WG.
    • WI - having Ed-Fi in the process is helpful for multiple reasons and support

Agenda Item 3: Priorities and requests for 2022

  • DE
    • State and local mapping
    • Roster server troubleshooting
    • Continuing with Pearson with better data set
  • SC
    • Working through Initial SIS integration with common statewide SIS we have with PowerSchool for 10+ years; finding customizations that are challenging
    • Issued RFP to bring in Longitudinal Assessment Data
    • Will do RFP for IEP data
    • EScholar - identify solution for sourcing data tool to Ed-Fi
    • Assessment Roster work - looking to move roster out of legacy system into Ed-Fi
    • Appreciating input from other SEAs that are further ahead and provide their lessons learned
  • Nebraska
    • Moving into the cloud for 22-23; had a great conversation with Wisconsin on that. There won’t be any new extensions for SY 2023. 
  • Wisconsin
    • Azure Cloud migration and performance challenges
    • Working with vendors trying to integrate immunization solution - working with Public Health including Covid vaccinations
    • People count - leveraging system with accountability reporting, now using for membership
      • Sayee offered to connect WI with AZ to discuss the changes/solutions they needed to make on the performance side; a 30 minute call would be good for WI
      • Sayee will bring tech team to look at WI performance ticket and have continued dialogue on this
      • WI has Microsoft consultant checking to see if they are on the right Azure data connection plan - anyone have experience with this?

Action Items:

  • Sayee to schedule call with AZ and WI to discuss the changes/solutions 

Next meeting: Thursday, 10/7/2021, 1:00 - 2:15 pm CT

Last Update: