SWG 2023-02-02 Meeting


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First NameLast NameOrganization
KateBeattieMinnesota Department of Education
RohithChintamaneniArizona Department of Education
SwethaChinthapallySouth Carolina Department of Education
WyattCothranSouth Carolina Department of Education
DebbieDaileyIndiana Department of Education
JayeshDaveGeorgia Department of Education
RoshDhanawadeEducation Analytics
BrettFryeSouth Carolina Department of Education
DavidGarnerIndiana Department of Education
RajiniGovindarajanIndiana Department of Education
NicholasHandvilleGeorgia Department of Education
TerriHansonTexas Education Agency
BrianHoseyKansas State Department of Education
KariJohnsonMinnesota Department of Education
ScottKuykendallDelaware DOE
DorisMannMichigan CEPI
JeremyMayberryArizona Department of Education
JamieMuffolettoTexas Education Agency
GailNetland FroydMinnesota Department of Education
DanielRalyeaSouth Carolina Department of Education
DavidReegMinnesota Department of Education
MaxReinerNebraska Department of Education
MuhammadSajidArizona Department of Education
JenniferShafferKansas State Department of Education
AudreyShayWisconsin DPI
LeanneSimonsTexas Education Agency
SayeeSrinivasanEd-Fi Alliance
LindseyTalbotMinnesota Department of Education
RickThompsonSouth Carolina Department of Education
SavathTongNew Mexico Public Education Department
MaryWhiteNew Mexico Public Education Department
AvisiaWhitemanMinnesota Department of Education


Ann Su - Ed-Fi Governance Support

The meeting was held 2023-02-02  1:00Pm -2:15pm CT via WebEx

Meeting materials

  • Agenda PPT
  • CST Presentation PPT

Link to Meeting Recording

Agenda and Notes

  • Introduction
    • Recurring monthly meetings on the 1st Thursday of each month
    • Addressing needs raised by states
  • Academy 2023 Roadmap Community Feedback
    • Mike introduced Customer Success Team
    • Key tasks of CST
      • Ed-Fi Academy courses - Nate
      • Technical Support Help Desk/Community Support - Kathleen
        • Ed-Fi Tracker Tickets
        • Email
        • Phone Calls
        • Screen Sharing
        • And continue using Slack for community communication
      • Community Hub - Mike
        • On-line portal for on-line resources
        • Consolidating ticketing system, Tech Docs, Knowledge base
        • Able to create community groups for sharing of information
    • Ed-Fi Academy
      • Published courses
        • Summit 2021 - 4 introductory courses
        • Summit 2022 - 6 more courses published
      • Introducing short videos that are more technical facing
      • Nate will send 2023 Roadmap to agencies for feedback
      • Question
        • Scott K - when I last looked at them, it looked like you had to take the first course to take later ones.   Is that true?
        • Max - I have staff that would be interested in some but not all
          • Ann - Yes. Will bring this issue back to the Academy Team to consider removing pre-requisite needs.
    • Nate and Kathleen will reach out to agencies for what support is needed
  • MN asks: How are other states leveraging Ed-Fi data to help reduce child poverty? What data is the Education Department sharing across different departments within the state, and how?
    • SC
      • Connecting EC data with SLDS, load to State ODS
        • Including HomeStart, First Step, SNAP
        • Building common application to share access for different programs
        • One application connects to all programs
    • DE
      • Dept of Health to look up API for enrollment so school can be contacted
        • School choice application
      • Lead contact involves students and alert the counselor in the school
    • WI
      • Use Immunization API in Ed-Fi to look up data
      • Have projects in the works or in discussion about providing direct certification data for school food service
    • NE
      • I don't have anyone connecting to anything that is ed-fi directly
      • PED cards
        • HHF doesn’t share data
    • IN
      • IN has granted API access to Dept of Workforce Development to roster their career explorer solution; Treasurer of State to validate enrollment for Education Scholarship Account program; Governors Workforce Council for populating CTE data; and FSSA for Ed ID search/generation.
      • Legal established MOUs for each use case before allowing access.
      • Dept of work force development - pull from API
      • State Treasurer - leveraging API data for tuition
      • CTE data
      • Family social service - EC - education ID
      • First Step - ensure same identifier for one child
    • AZ
      • Enrollment information for foster care placement 
      • Communication with outside depart
        • Dept of economic services - have all information from birth to pre-school
    • MI
      • Sharing data with
        • Dept of Health and Human services
        • Dept of Educ
        • Dept of correction, Treasury, workforce
        • Govt data hub from school districts
      • Which standard to use for what purpose
        • Ed-Fi or CEDS
    • TX
      • Districts  direct upload data to HHS
      • Student enrollment confirmation sent to HHS for validation
  • Early Childhood/Section SIG Update
    • Created working draft document on Tech Doc
    • AS will send link for members to review and provide feedback
    • IN ready to implement
  • Program Evaluation Data Model - Request from AZ and WI for the evaluation side
    • Program Evaluation model - ticket https://tracker.ed-fi.org/browse/DATASTD-1906
      • See model diagram in PPT slide #7
    • Use Case - Reflects evaluations done regarding a student for a program. 
    • WI - Early Childhood Outcomes - 
      • Entry and exit to the program
      • Collecting aggregate scores
      • Most states are collecting aggregate numbers in different department in different states
        • Outcomes common
        • Focus on IDA
      • On hold for 2024-2025 to have data in SIS
      • Program set up at state level
      • Model has no separate education organization
        • Rosh - program evaluation should have edorg
        • Sayee - will add education organization id reference - Sayee has brought this to the Ed-Fi Standard team’s attention in the above program evaluation ticket.  Ed Comer has agreed to the idea.  
      • Rosh - actually should it be on ProgramEvaluation or on StudentProgramEvaluation, the edorg reference
        • @Debbie but you'd still have an SEOA record which then enable a StudentProgramAssociation record
        • you'd have to have one for the API to accept the eval records
        • Right so if thats the case then you have an SSA record anyway and can submit a StudentProgramAssociation and relatedly the StudentProgramEval record
    • IN - New use cases in IN: Need the student program eval, but will not have a student program association.
    • AZ - Adding one more column if progress made
    • MN
      • Has some custom data elements
      • Screener and screen outcome for early childhood data collection
      • Not EC screen association, not part of Ed-Fi
      • Brief clarification - Minnesota's Screening Program is separate from Part B/C outcomes.
  • AZ - 21st CCLC Survey Data
    • Teachers collect and submit data once a year
    • Program may want to collect at other time
    • Program Evaluation Model - link in 1906 ticket
      • Modeled same way as student_assessment_entity
      • Reference to the 21st CCLC program
      • Not in working draft format
      • Will run through test case scenario when ready for draft
    • Program evaluation
      • Annual survey
      • 3 objectives: Classroom participation, Positive Classroom Behavior, positive peer relationship
      • Metadata populated
      • Student program evaluation
      • AZ not going to the element level

Next meeting: 3/2/2023 1:00-2:15PM ct

Last Update: