2021-09-30 Collaborative Work Group Meeting
2021-09-30 Collaborative Work Group Meeting
First Name | Last Name | Organization |
Marcos | Alcozer | Ed-Fi Alliance |
Noah | Bookman | California CORE |
Sean | Casey | Ed-Fi Alliance |
Rosh | Dhanawade | INsite |
Daniel | Hornsby | FLCODE |
Sherod | Keen | FLCODE |
Pamela | Kott | Dallas County Promise |
Michael | Minuto | MSDF |
Jeff | Pendill | Texas Education Service Center - Region 10 |
Andrew | Rice | Core Districts |
Sayee | Srinivasan | Ed-Fi Alliance |
Molly | Stewart | INsite |
Adam | Warner | Texas Education Service Center - Region 10 |
Support: Nancy Wilson, Ann Su - Ed-Fi Governance Support
The meeting was held on 2021-09-30, 9:00 am - 10:00 am CT, via WebEx
Meeting recording LINK
Refer to the PPT for additional details on the meeting minutes and discussions.
Agenda/Meeting Notes
- Welcome
- Terms of the Ed-Fi Community Intellectual Property Disclosure Policy
- Intellectual Property Slides (Sean)
- Ongoing
- Please share your growth! Collabs 2021 Snapshot + where you need help
- Helps connect community to support, engage members
- Please share your growth! Collabs 2021 Snapshot + where you need help
- New
- Highlighting collabs’ impact - a few success stories
- See PPT for updates from 3 collaboratives
- NEFEC - Data Checker
- Rules around BI
- Converted from Crystal into data checker
- Multi-tenant - need way to secure data for multiple districts to log in; single instance of data checker
- Power BI lists error messages and resolutions
- Districts can only see their own students
- Validations are meant to be shareable with other Collaboratives and LEAs; New release will allow download into JSon file
- Rules around end-of-year scripts - keep some items in supplemental database as they are not in the ODS; ties into discussion on extension/certification requirements, needs specific to LEAs and having extensions transitioning and being maintained as part of core
- CA - BMGF Networks for School Improvement
- Gates-funded networks for school improvement
- Monitoring on track for multiple districts
- Now able to support dashboards for SIS data across multiple districts with calculations such as absentee rates
- Dashboard to visualize using BI tool on the market (see slides for examples)
- Get full data from API and work on it in Snowflake
- One goal is to release codes to Ed-Fi Community to generate data warehouse and get price count lower - good open-source model to be shared in Summit session with Jordan Mader “Open Source, API-Based Analytics Framework for Ed-Fi” presenting technical aspects (11/17/21 11:00-11:45 am CST)
- Need to advocate for using API rather than building on top of databases
- Colorado’s Ed-Fi Collaborative - See slide for details
- Assessment integrations with mass data import processes
- Workforce readiness integration to include workshops on use cases for the data
- RTI module built by EdWire; has separated module out of core offering and put on Ed-Fi Exchange
- Rosh - Stars and Dibels should be mapped ; as long as they are working with Emilio it should be a v3 conversion
- RIT module came out of INsite; teachers using Google sheet as database; now 4th year INsite to treat ODS as system of data
- Using intervention domain; teacher/staff can create intervention
- Open source; available on the Exchange
- just to clarify, RTI code should be released to the community and open source, but i need to verify from Edwire if that process has completed edfi exchange approval
- https://github.com/Ed-Fi-Exchange-OSS/Response-to-Intervention
- Marcos - CREC is working with Emilio. The Data Im
- port template pro :)
- Marcos - Side note - I've been playing with a serverless way of ingesting CSVs file into the Ed-Fi when an event trigger happens. It would use the Ed-Fi template service, but not use Data Import. Always looking for people to collab with
- Andrew - Mark on our team would be interested
- Priority use cases with new starter kit releases
- To resolve access, security and cost issues as a Collaborative WG
- Andrew
- Ed-Fi data model unfamiliar for random vendors
- Network access
- Portability of Ed-Fi integrations through APIs
- Multi-tenant system - application put on system has access to everything
- Noah - the last point re the api vs ods is that we often want multi-year analytics and the ods is for each school year...api to dw allows multi-year
- Rosh
- Collaborative partnership focus is to keep data secure
- This is a critical next step
- Sean
- Use case driven data out - student privacy goes down
- Will talk with Marcos, Eric, Chris - this could be great TAG topic; want traction to this conversation
- Marcos
- Agrees with API for applications
- For an Ed-Fi LEA with analytics use case, I think it is best to replicate their ODS structure into their cloud warehouse and build analytics off of it
- Andrew
- To resolve access, security and cost issues as a Collaborative WG
- Release starter kits for use cases
- 2 new ones including for online learning environments
- How to use Ed-Fi - Sean and Marcos can help
- See Slide on additional support including MSDF CTA grant and call for cohort-based approaches
- NMPS interested in putting Assessment starter kit but hit technical roadblock; need to be sure these are production ready (field tested)
- Grades data needs & certification feedback
- Almost all SIS do not send in-progress grades - only final grades and this is not always timely
- Marcos is working on documenting this need (see slide)
- Skyward (working with NEFEC) is the exception
- Marcos will add other collaboratives/LEAs to the ticket for this issue
- Noah - our team will check this out and get back...we are for sure interested in improving this capacity
- Daniel - if the SIS required Report Card and Gradebook, then the Grade endpoint only containing the posted grade wouldn't be as big a deal.
- Daniel - @Rosh, good point on LMS. If the SIS Cert required GradebookEntries, then maybe that would help in some way with LMS syncing with SIS. Also, it would be great if the SIS cert somehow brought in the idea of ingesting data from the api and not just sending it out
- Michael - I like the SIS ingestion idea
- Summit Nov 15-18 Reminder (in person and virtual)
- CWG has a timeslot on Monday at Summit
- Let Sean know of any collaboratives/LEAs interested in bringing team to Summit (may be assistance available)
- Open/Other
- Highlighting collabs’ impact - a few success stories
Next Meeting: TBD
Last updated
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