SWG 2022-06-02 Meeting
SWG 2022-06-02 Meeting
First Name | Last Name | Organization |
Fuat | Aki | Texas Education Agency |
Swetha | Chinthapally | South Carolina Department of Education |
Wyatt | Cothran | South Carolina Department of Education |
Debbie | Dailey | Indiana Department of Education |
Jayesh | Dave | Georgia Department of Education |
Joshua | DeBrabander | Michigan CEPI |
Nicholas | Handville | Georgia Department of Education |
Anne | Hansknecht | Michigan CEPI |
Brian | Hosey | Kansas State Department of Education |
Eshwar | Kedari | Georgia Department of Education |
Tracy | Korsmo | North Dakota Information Technology Department |
Scott | Kuykendall | Delaware DOE |
Doris | Mann | Michigan CEPI |
Daniel | Ralyea | South Carolina Department of Education |
David | Reeg | Minnesota DOE |
Max | Reiner | Nebraska Department of Education |
Andrew | Rice | Core Districts |
Audrey | Shay | Wisconsin DPI |
Leanne | Simons | Texas Education Agency |
Sayee | Srinivasan | Ed-Fi Alliance |
Michelle | Tubbs | Indiana Department of Education |
Maureen | Wentworth | Ed-Fi Alliance |
Nancy Wilson, Ann Su - Ed-Fi Governance Support
Meeting recording Link
The meeting was held 2022-06-02 1:00Pm -2:15pm CT via WebEx
Agenda and Notes
- Refer to the Meeting PPT for important information
Resident District Concept
- Resident District, Resident School, Attending District, Attending School, Submitting District, Accountable District, Accountable School Concept – How are states handling this using Ed-Fi? - (Wyatt – please talk about the scenario and the how this is represented in PowerSchool)
- Students residing in one district and traveling to another district for a few courses (such as AP) and need the non-resident (adjacent) district to collect data as the student is also enrolled there and taking a class or more
- In SC home district will set up a section with school and district where taught for a particular course and looking how to map this data so tried section area but the records would not land in the ODS because the non-resident district school was not in the home district list of schools - have any states solved this
- MI has member districts within school code to show a particular district is allowed to send students to another district’s school – not defined in Ed-Fi model but are mapped in CEDS.
- IN - can we list all schools in the state; SC - but certain schools may have been set up as holding school and district would not want that data in ODS
- DE - similar issue with state-wide limitation. District created a different number in CEDS. At state level DE populates all districts and schools in ODS.
- SC - so non-essential schools can be added to ODS?
- Sayee - Is there a need to capture students in other sections?
- Debbie - One shortfall: Online schools (non-IN schools) do not provide IN DOE data. They must send results back to homeschool to report.
- In another state, in that scenario your student responsibility has the resident district and attending school is separate. Other states can have multiple records for a student depending on where they receive instruction.
- Andrew - This is a need for a non attending partner - DODEA
- Attending district and resident district submitting
- Some catch it on the back end and don’t get into cross-district reporting very much and expect attending district to keep track
- In ND that is a non-reportable student
- IN has an identifier with primary SSA record showing false or true and we accept all data on anyone showing as false except for accountability and when student dashboard is built whoever has the association will see all the data - called a student locker or backpack now getting all data as transfer grades and doesn’t come into our system. Have drawn the line so whoever is providing the content/instruction will have responsibility to report to the state. Also with attendance, if a student is at CTE for part of the day, the CTE has to report attendance for the student at th– e same time the home school reports the student’s attendance. Have two enrollment records.
- One shortfall: Online schools (non-IN schools) do not provide IN DOE data. They must send results back to homeschool to report.
- DE has resident district as responsibility association with only one enrollment record.
- In another state, in that scenario your student responsibility has the resident district and attending school is separate. Other states can have multiple records for a student depending on where they receive instruction.
- SC can accept populating school lists with ODS and like associating data with responsibility - full directory can be populated in both resident district and district where taught. SC has a special PowerSchool page for CTE and work students with the ability to add code on location other than home school/district.
- Other states handle CTE classes differently such as populating available certifications in different districts but don’t report on specific courses. In SC, college and career readiness is a home school reporting requirement.
- IN - StudentSchoolAssociation with PrimarySchool = False is also IN's solution for service only students for Special Education and Title I, and Membership.
- MI - Question - Wyatt does SC have PowerSchool as a state level system?
- SC - No SC contracts with PowerSchool to provide district instances but there is no state wide deployment
- TX - Here is our CTE calculation information for Texas - https://tealprod.tea.state.tx.us/TWEDS/94/0/0/0/DataSubmission/TechnicalResources/1477
- NE - NE also calculates 95% of Perkins data at the state based solely on the sections' state course codes. Also at NE we would have the main responsible district report all course data for a student as if it was within their district, regardless of where the course actually took place (other public schools, colleges, online, CSPs) so we avoid the problem
- IN question - what do you do with staff data and who holds the contract for the educator - who has the educator records and they need to be responsible for reporting data to SEA? Do other states forgo staff associations/assignments and focused on student data?
- SC - where is the teacher linkage - common practice is with home school and setting up teacher as staff member and perhaps not the actual teacher of record but that person would have a whole roster of students…depends on location where the CTE was executed and helps to align student record with home school record but demographics may be stronger at home school than attending school
- IN - we want to know if course was taught by infield (certified) or out of field educator so tend to follow teacher contract and assign responsibility there
- NE has sole responsibility to report on the home district and most situations there is just one district reporting all data regardless of where student took the course and use that data to calculate Perkins funding. Can create problems especially for big districts to get all that data from a non-district source. They report teacher even if teacher is not employed by the district - uses teacher record using the state staff ID.
- MI has a separate collection for course/teacher information that the responsible district (district providing the course) reports.
- Districts trust on the API Security – Credential issuance and ClaimSet.
- How states are ensuring that districts have the trust in the API security – How are they distributing the credentials? Do districts use the same ClaimSet for two different keys/secrets? (Dan – please pose this to the group and let us get the answers)
- What are states’ formal processes for issuing new credentials to vendors and districts - any feedback on admin security model?
- How are states managing the following aspects?
- Credential issuance
- ClaimSet management
- Admin App Security
- WI has home built application that districts can pick their vendor from a list and all our claimsets are custom and email goes to vendor who will have
- Andrew - are the claimsets public?
- NE - keys are requested by email, we generate the key and attach the claimset using a procedure we wrote in the Admin database.
- One key per district per year
- One ClaimSet per type of vendor such a special ed with multiple vendors in type and not using the admin app
- Set key and application through the back end using sequels with one admin database for each iteration and each installation of Ed-Fi and carry keys over from year to year
- ClaimSets are custom not out of the box (like Wisconsin where everything is custom)
- Education Analytics - would love to know more if key/secret best practice should be decided on regarding expiration
- IN - Custom admin app for schools to access keys/secrets. 1 admin db; don't regenerate each year.
- DE - needs process; currently using custom per vendor type; each SIS has own key secret but assessment has state-seeded data
- How best to manage with many vendors and many districts??
- But it is works okay to have custom ClaimSets
- School Code – How are states representing School Codes?
- School Code – Ed-Fi School ID length is not sufficient. How are states managing the School IDs? (Wyatt – let us bring it up and see if there is a need for Ed-Fi to extend the length)
- WI - have some non-numerics and we chose to use surrogate key in Ed-Fi so it has no logic coded into education organizations; used an ed-org degree that was basically a surrogate key and did not change our school IDs - makes data more consistent year to year - surrogate key beneficiation especially for situations like charter schools changing. Surrogate key is school ID.
- NE and DE have no problem with current ID length.
- How states are managing the credentials and security – advantages and disadvantages (This one came from Audrey, and this is about the state architecture pattern. If time permits, we will cover this, if not I will be setting up a separate call)
- Will set up separate call. Doodle poll will go out.
Action Items:
- Will assemble a few states (probably next week) to discuss WI’s question - credential management
Next meeting: 7/7/2022 1:00-2:15pm CT
Last Update:
, multiple selections available,
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