TAG Meeting 2021-03-04
TAG Meeting 2021-03-04
- Updates (5 mins) - Eric
- TAG applications going out in next newsletter
- LMS Data and Analytics SIG forming: Learning Management Systems Data and Analytics
- Main topics
- (~20 minutes) Data quality - data validation API - Chris, James, Doug
- (~20 minutes) API errors: this topic is related to the one above and is coming out of some GAT discussions (the GAT group was discussing how to improve the quality of Ed-Fi API integrations). I feel like this is a topic that we are still struggling to define into something more actionable - Eric
- Potential topics for future (~20 minutes)
- joining data from heterogenous systems - Andrew
- general-purpose analytics in the Ed-Fi data model - Eric/Andrew
- advancing multi-tenancy - Jim
Validation API
- Validation API work was reviewed. The original value of the proposal was generally agreed upon.
- AZ and PowerSchool noted interest in adding this to their roadmaps.
- Eric to convene a breakout group to do a deeper dive on the design
API Errors
- History of this issue was reviewed. The discussion generally confirmed that the problem still exists: error messages are hard for LEAs (or new SEAs) to resolve and that leads to unnecessary support requests to SIS systems or other vendors, and struggles to fix these problems.
- Some of the technical reasons that this has been hard to address were surfaced, such as the fact that some errors are caught late in the pipeline (e.g. at the database transaction)
- Prior work to assemble errors was referenced - that might be worth looking up
- TAG to take this up again at the next meeting
, multiple selections available,
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