TAG Meeting 2019-05-08

TAG Meeting 2019-05-08


  1. TAG Introductions and Overview
  2. API - Improved L1 validation messages and documentation / error codes (WI DPI)
  3. Tech Congress Follow-ups (see materials below)
  4. New SIGs (see materials below)
    1. Data out from ODS/API
    2. OS Rules Engine and Validations API
    3. Integration with Google Classroom
  5. Extensions registry proposal (see Materials)
  6. Enrollment API updates / RFC - Update on next actions


  • Chris Moffatt
  • Andrew Rice 
  • Audrey Shay 
  • Britto Augustine 
  • Gary Johnson
  • Geoff McElhanon 
  • J Pablo Roudriquez 
  • Jen Downey 
  • Jim McKay 
  • Josh Reimer, Skyward
  • Lee Barber 
  • Neal Schuh
  • Rosh Dhanawade 
  • Sayee Srinivasan, Ed-Fi Alliance
  • Vinaya Mayya, Ed-Fi Alliance


Items 1,3 and 4 on the agenda were covered. Item 2 was deferred to the next meeting.

Tag Overview

There was a clarifying question on the role of the TAG in regard to SIGs - in what sense do they "report to" the TAG, if the TAG is advisory only? It was explained that the SIG needed some "anchor point" in the governance structure, and as most SIG are technical in nature, this was seen as the best option. SIGs are often also focused on Ed-Fi platform questions (as opposed to data standard questions), and those questions are often far less formalized as they would not necessarily impact other API builders.

Tech Congress and SIGs

The Tech Congress follow ups where presented (no commentary) and SIGs were presented. TAG volunteers were solicited for the SIGs:

Data out from ODS/API

  • INsite/Rosh
  • Student1/Geoff
  • WI DPI/ Audrey
  • Ed Analytics/ Andrew

OS Rules Engine and Validations API

  • WI DPI/ Audrey
  • AZ DOE/Britto
  • Student1/Geoff
  • Infinite Campus/Jen
  • Skyward/Neal
  • Metro Nashville/Lee

Integration with Google Classroom

  • WI DPI/ Audrey
  • INsite/Rosh
