TAG Meeting 2018-10-10

TAG Meeting 2018-10-10


  • Jon Hickam
  • Laura Keith
  • Jill Aurand
  • John Raub
  • Britto Augustine
  • Ben Meyers
  • Michael Discenza
  • Sherod Keen
  • Jennifer Downey
  • Eric Jansson


See slide deck for agenda.

Required Extensions question: it was clarified that there are actually 2 questions: should extensions be allowed to be required? And should properties within extension s be allowed to be required. These issues were discussed and no objections to the proposal to make BOTH require-able (the Ed-Fi staff recommendation). Other notes:

  • It was also noted that required extensions under Suite Two were allowed via MetaEd (a correction to the slides).
  • This conversational also cited the utility of defining standardized patterns for namespaces, and possibly even the creation of a registry.
  • It was also noted that namespaces need to avoid possible characters that would prevent JSON validation.

Operational context. This was mostly an overview of decisions that led to the current state, and that review took most of the balance of time at the meeting. Some TAG members voiced the need to govern more narrow enumerations, but overall there was also no concerns raised re the Alliances current practice of trying to distinguish sets that can vary and ones that cannot within more narrow data exchange contexts, and as reflected in Ed-Fi API specifications.

Upgrade support: this topic was introduced but tabled until the next meeting.


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