TAG Meeting 2021-04-15

TAG Meeting 2021-04-15



Britto Augustine
Rohith Chintamaneni
David Clements
Rosh Joshua Dhanawade
Stephen Fuqua
Jean-Francois Guertin
Jason Hoekstra
Eric Jansson
Cy Jones
Vinaya Mayya
Jim McKay
Chris Moffatt
Doug Quinton
Andrew Rice
Jim Robertson
Audrey Shay
John Watson
Patrick Yoho


Admin App Discussion

Q: Is this multi-tenant?
A: not strongly considered yet

Q: Also support serverless architectures?
A: potentially leaning in that direction; would be supported in Docker deployments

Q: Helpful for states?
A: probably not useful - they LEAs and vendors need to come into the state tools; they have a single ODS, so it is not solving a big problem for them. Much of the work flow depends on LEA data feeding into applications for self-service; will not be able to leverage much from this API design.

Cache reset would be killer! Participants recommend the following ODS-3575 - Getting issue details... STATUS on that concept

Discussion of Validations API

Validations API surface pass through/mapping to validations storage systems

Functional chart and diagram  https://edfi.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ESIG/Ed-Fi+Data+Validation+Architecture  -- see https://edfi.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ESIG/Ed-Fi+Data+Validation+Architecture?preview=/64685677/64685681/validation%20architecture.png  

Does this require installation of a new product or service layer?

Could also have a core version of this - a standard and an implementation 

Are there LEA use cases for this? Harder / maybe not - their Tier-2 checks are all so localized, whereas in the state, L2 rules are common across the state

Q: regarding the Ed-Fi Data Checker tool, will it integrate with that?
A: Keeping an eye on that to see if it proves itself first

API Errors

ODS Errors are hard to change/modify due to the way the ODS generates errors directly from the database

One suggestion: community shared resource on error patterns and "translating" these into a common community resource. Organizations sharing their experiences on this would help - - flow local docs back into public docs

Possibility: should we use Stack Overflow?

Action: Eric to present to next TAG

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