TAG Meeting 2021-01-14
TAG Meeting 2021-01-14
- Marcos Alcozer, InnovateEDU
- Britto Augustine, Arizona Department of Education
- David Clements Ed-Fi Alliance
- Rohith Chintamaneni Arizona Department of Education
- Thomas Christensen Wisconsin DPI
- Rosh Joshua Dhanawade Indiana University INsite
- Stephen Fuqua Ed-Fi Alliance
- Jean-Francois Guertin EdWire
- Jason Hoekstra Ed-Fi Alliance
- Matthew Jackson Spring Branch ISD
- Eric Jansson Ed-Fi Alliance
- Erik Joranlien Education Analytics
- Eshwar Kedari Georgia Department of Education
- Shannon Kerlick Ed-Fi Alliance
- Vinaya Mayya Ed-Fi Alliance
- Jim McKay Certica Solutions
- Jeffrey Miller Greenville County Schools
- Chris Moffatt Ed-Fi Alliance
- Lee Morrow Headspring
- Troy Neal Spring Branch ISD
- James Phifer Greenville County Schools
- Doug Quinton PowerSchool Group LLC
- John Raub Wisconsin DPI
- Josh Reimer Skyward
- Andrew Rice Education Analytics
- Jim Robertson PowerSchool Group LLC
- J. Pablo Rodriguez San Diego County Office of Education
- Audrey Shay Wisconsin DPI
- Sayee Srinivasan Ed-Fi Alliance
- John Watson San Diego County Office of Education
- Patrick Yoho InnovateEDU
- TAG topics (from November poll)
- Data validation and data quality - current and future roadmap
- More on Data Out (incl. streaming and pub/sub)
- Joining data from heterogenous systems / record ownership
- Review of major efforts around data validation and data quality (30 mins)
- State Education Agency "canonical" architecture: Canonical State Ed-Fi Architecture.pptx
- Validations API - background materials can be found here:
- Validation API - original presentation from 2018 Technical Congress
- Ed-Fi Validation API Design
- Exchange contributions
- Soliciting interest in Data Import Design reviews (10 mins/Jason Hoekstra)
- "More on Data Out" - Next Steps (discussion) (15 mins)
- "Joining data from heterogenous systems / record ownership" - Next Steps (discussion) (15 mins)
Original TAG poll (Google Sheets)
I. Updates
- End of TAG year; refresh TAG membership in March/April by open application.
II. Data validation and data quality - current and future roadmap
Current state data quality efforts:
- SEA use case reviewed (see canonical architecture image).
- Some variation in how databases are split, how validations are performed, etc.
Validations API
- background materials can be found here: Validation API - original presentation from 2018 Technical Congress
- agreement on the potential value to this by TAG members, generally bringing validation closer to the source
- needs filtering/authorization to accommodate multi-tenant systems
Open Source rules Engine
- backgroud here: https://edfi.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ESIG/Report+Out+-+Open+Source+Rules+Engine+and+Validation+API+SIG
- and here https://edfi.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ESIG/Ed-Fi+Data+Validation+Architecture
- Ed-Fi Data Checker (see Ed-Fi Exchange)
III. Soliciting interest in Data Import Design reviews
- Asking TAG & data import users to provide inputs to design in Tech Docs: Ed-Fi Technical Designs- Data Import
- Several TAG members agreed to join subgroup
- Side note on the tech -- interest n the notion that the output of data import can be stored as json packets in a data lake before edfi injest. Response: There is intent to bring this work (done for the back to school dashboard) into the core Data Import tool. @jason - let's touch on this next week as well?
IV. "Joining data from heterogeneous systems / record ownership" - Next Steps
- If SIS is not the source system, issue with record ownership when data is transferred from different systems.
- Managing security and authorization a problem area as well
- Not enough time to cover - cover at next meeting
Next meeting: Thursday 1/21/2021, 3:00-4:15pm CT
- Jim - add a ping for multi-tenancy discussion
, multiple selections available,
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