TAG Meeting 2021-05-20

TAG Meeting 2021-05-20


First NameLast NameOrganization
RohithChintamaneniArizona Department of Education
DavidClementsEd-Fi Alliance
RoshDhanawadeIndiana University INsite
MindyDuFaultInfinite Campus
LaQuintaExtineLeon County Schools
StephenFuquaEd-Fi Alliance
DavidHefleyNebraska Department of Education
EricJanssonEd-Fi Alliance
VinayaMayyaEd-Fi Alliance
ChrisMoffattEd-Fi Alliance
HeatherPottsEctor County ISD
DanielRalyeaSouth Carolina Department of Education
AndrewRiceEducation Analytics
SandiRoesnerEctor County ISD
AudreyShayWisconsin Department of Public Instruction
SayeeSrinivasanEd-Fi Alliance
MollyStewartInidiana University INsite
PatrickYohoInnovateEDU Inc


  1. Onboarding and kickoff to our year
  2. TAG members to voice over suggested priorities for the 2021-22 year
  3. Continue on the topic of how to improve the efficiency with which Level 1 error messages are handled
  4. Solicit interest in breakouts focused on Ed-Fi data standardization efforts



  1. Onboarding and kickoff to our year (see slides)
  2. TAG members voice over suggested priorities for the 2021-22 year (see slides)
  3. Topics Proposed

    Validation API

    Multi Tenancy for Admin App

    Specific data model improvements
    Improving native Ed-Fi descriptors with proper descriptions
    Improving Transcripts / Student Academic Records
    Possible analytics domain and context

    Greater data standardization (see next slide)

    Getting operational context implemented - Operational Context UI

    Open source community improvements-Talent directory -A mascot for Ed-Fi-

    Improve usability of Ed-Fi API directly from a Web Application
    OAuth/OpenID for Ed-Fi API-API Out tools and support

    API Publisher

    Improvements to certification-Greater Granularity on Certification
    v3 SIS Certifications around grades. Districts are consistently disappointed to hear that native SIS integrations don't include current term grades-Notable absences-The issue of new suite releases / breaking changes

  4. Continue on the topic of how to improve the efficiency with which Level 1 error messages are handed
    • TAG members voiced interest in improving the error messages
    • Question: Have you talked to Stack Overflow about a different pricing model for a nonprofit like Ed-Fi?
    • One suggestion was to focus on just the most painful areas, instead of tackling whole issue
    • One other proposed idea was to try and validate the data on pre-submission to the API; the mechanism for this was not discussed
    • Another idea: have API errors link to the community resource we create
    • Another idea: when considering a platform wide change, consider looking at opentelemetry.io standards to implement tracing/logging and metrics and replacing log4net by serilog
  5. Solicit interest in breakouts focused on Ed-Fi data standardization efforts

Action Items

  • Eric to send TAG poll to prioritize topics
  • Eric to send survey for Data Standardization subgroup participation

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