TAG Meeting 2021-12-09
TAG Meeting 2021-12-09
First Name | Last Name | Organization |
Marcos | Alcozer | Ed-Fi Alliance |
Rohith | Chintamaneni | Arizona Department of Education |
Patrick | Devanney | ClassLink |
Rosh | Dhanawade | Indiana University INsite |
Mindy | DuFault | Infinite Campus |
LaQuinta | Extine | Leon County Schools |
Stephen | Fuqua | Ed-Fi Alliance |
Jean-Francois | Guertin | EdWire |
Jason | Hoekstra | Ed-Fi Alliance |
Eric | Jansson | Ed-Fi Alliance |
Douglas | Loyo | MSDF |
Vinaya | Mayya | Ed-Fi Alliance |
Jim | McKay | Instructure |
Doug | Quinton | PowerSchool |
Max | Reiner | Nebraska Department of Education |
Andrew | Rice | Education Analytics |
Jim | Robertson | PowerSchool |
Audrey | Shay | Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction |
Grishma | Shrestha | Infinite Campus |
Sayee | Srinivasan | Ed-Fi Alliance |
John | Watson | San Diego County Office of Education |
Patrick | Yoho | InnovateEDU Inc |
- Certification discussion continued
- Exploration of SEA/LEA data variation issue and how to handle these cases
- Alternative ideas for improvement
- Data out use cases (continued from November meeting)
- Certification discussion continued
- Alternative ideas for improvement
- If the vendor is certifying against a data set that includes customer extension, how would they be certified? E.g., TEA
- time consuming; add variation to allow state specific certification?
- original certification meant x; certification as a whole is not unique; certification means they met certain claims; not sure what Ed-fi certification claims are.
- Ed-Fi Student Information Systems API v3 Certification
- from SIS vendor: look from CORE certification or state implementation
- Need to chunk out different subsets that contain the fields that are needed
- Some other potential gaps:
- - Sync Frequency
- - Ability to do descriptor mapping
- The use cases for certification would be helpful in this respect
- who decides what certification is, is it GAT or TAG?
- Alliance manage in community consensus way
- what do we want certification to mean
- This should not be a TAG question
- need another governing body to manage certification
- invite vendors already on the certification list to participate in the conversation
- On sync frequency, certification states "It is permitted for systems to wait to update the resource...but the system MUST demonstrate that the update will occur without further user intervention" I think this is what allows some systems to only sync data nightly to the target API
- Gets away from the real-time data, ODS whole thing
- There should be a certificiation working group; one that meets quarterly to assess and adjust; then the WG can raise technical issues which the TAG can give input on
- If it is supporting LEAs then I think that we need the certification to be specific (in terms of what Andrew was saying) to best advocate for LEAs who might not know what questions to ask
- If the vendor is certifying against a data set that includes customer extension, how would they be certified? E.g., TEA
- Certification Background
- Exploration of SEA/LEA data variation issue and how to handle these cases
- Case 1: State Override of Core Elements
- SIS is expected to modify for state
- Sometimes it's additional fields added onto the 'core' data model for a state. e.g. discipline incidents in CT; maybe that fits in with case 2
- sometimes CORE certified data elements fit under this; e.g. free/reduced lunch; vendor need to include state specific table
- why allow exceptions?
- as a vendor, I can send the element if I have done it for some state requirements but not as CORE certified standardized way which would require further development
- certifying by LEA and discount SEA certification
- how would lunch data be captured as they are stored in state data?
- Case 2:Parallel State and Local Data Elements
- giant governance problem
- Case 3: Local Override
- This is like when they make a custom field for student email or something?
- I don't see how we are not going to get to vendors needing to build 50 SEA and 50 LEA Ed-Fi sync profiles. Wish it were different.
- or buy a plugin that offers enhanced features
- Other Cases
- Case 1: State Override of Core Elements
- Alternative ideas for improvement
Action Items
- Send Google Form to survey certification use cases
, multiple selections available,
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