2022-07-14 Collaborative Work Group Meeting

2022-07-14 Collaborative Work Group Meeting


First Name

Last Name


MarcosAlcozerEd-Fi Alliance
JoshAllenDenver Public Schools and Charters
NoahBookmanEducation Analytics
SeanCaseyEd-Fi Alliance
MichelleFarellEd-Fi Alliance
JerryLashleyTexas Education Service Centers - Region 4
HappyMillerNew Mexico Collaborative
NanduNairWalla Walla Public Schools
NicolePageNRP Consulting
JeffPendillTexas Education Service Center - Region 10
EricRindalWalla Walla Public Schools
SayeeSrinivasanEd-Fi Alliance
LeslieTaylorEducation Nexus Oregon
MichaelWatsonNOLA Public Schools
JohnWatsonSan Diego County Office of Education

Support: Nancy Wilson - Ed-Fi Governance Support

Refer to this presentation deck for additional details on the meeting minutes and discussions.

The meeting was held on 2022-07-14, 2:00-3:00pm CT, via WebEx

Meeting recording LINK


  1. Follow ups from last meeting (~10 min)
    1. Share feedback from surveys, ICF
  2. Subcommittee proposals (~30 min)
    1. Based on feedback from last year’s cohort, it sounds like setting up subcommittees focused on specific projects may help us be most productive. We’ll use this time to determine what the best focus areas are and follow up with members after to determine leaders, roles, cadence, etc.
  3. Share out (~20 min) - Best practice sharing from one of our members

Meeting Notes

See slide 2 for topics from the agenda.

The discussion opened with feedback shared from the Collaboratives Capabilities Assessment. Not all WG members had access to the tool (so it will be sent out again), but for those who did, they shared an overall positive experience. The surrounding discussion reiterated the fact that this survey should not be thought of as a one-time tool - the goal is to continue to use it as a tool to guide implementation. One example shared was around how effective use of this tool might help a team to plan for hiring needs to support implementation and training.

The main topic was item #3, subcommittees.

Generally, working group members were interested in building out subcommittees to further this work. CWG members had several suggestions on ways subcommittees may most effectively be built out. These included:

  • LEA engagement - marketing to LEAs and vendor engagement presents unique challenges from the seat of a collaborative. There was some interest in a subcommittee to think about working through these challenges. One pain point that could be explored through this group would be developing a non-technical marketing story, which focuses on the short term benefits of implementation. This led to a discuss of how vendor engagement could align with this strategy, in particular, by thinking about how to “improve the ask” to vendors to identify a specific implementation win that could benefit both parties.
  • SIS-focused subcommittees - there are sometimes particular needs, challenges, and setups that are specific to a given SIS, so team members felt there could be value in more deeply partnering with others utilizing the same tool.
    • Collaborative mentorship - though perhaps not its own subcommittee, there was discussion around how organizations and collaboratives that are further along in their implementation journeys could most effectively provide support to collaboratives who are earlier on in this work to prevent redundant work and help them to more proactively anticipate and manage potential roadblocks. 
  • Technical problem solving - some questions around best practices (e.g. “which version of the API should I use?”) came up, where focused group attention may be valuable. This group could also further build on some of the work the CWG completed last year around grades, for example.
  • SEA alignment - there was also discussion around how best to share information between the CWG and the SEA working group, as well as to find alignment, where possible. It is possible to identify some liaisons to support this crossover, and/or to build a subcommittee focused on exploring this intersection.

Following the subcommittees discussion, NEFEC presented their Data Quality dashboard as an example of innovative uses and tools using Ed-Fi. More information and screenshots from the dashboard are included in slides 12 - 17 in the presentation.

Other notes/suggestions

  • Questions were raised around best practices for moving data from the ODS, particularly for the single-year ODS - further discussion is to follow and be brought back to the group at the next meeting

Next Meeting: TBD

Last updated

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