2021-05-12 Collaborative Work Group Meeting

2021-05-12 Collaborative Work Group Meeting


First Name

Last Name


MarcosAlcozerEd-Fi Alliance
JoshAllenDenver Public Schools and Charters
NoahBookmanCalifornia CORE
SeanCaseyEd-Fi Alliance
NickChengDept. of Defense Education Agency
JakeFirmanDSST Public Schools
PamelaKottDallas County Promise
JuneMarcelColorado Rural Education Collaborative
KarleneMcCormick-LeeNewLeef LLC
HappyMillerNew Mexico Collaborative
JeffPendillTexas Education Service Center - Region 10
RickRozzelleEd-Fi Alliance (Contractor)
MaureenWentworthEd-Fi Alliance
NancyWilsonCollaboration Synergy
DonWolffPortland Public Schools, OR

Support: Nancy Wilson, Ann Su - Ed-Fi Governance Support

The meeting was held on 2021-05-12 , 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm CT, via WebEx

Meeting recording LINK

Refer to the PPT for additional details on the meeting minutes and discussions.

Agenda/Meeting Notes

  1. Welcome (Sherod & Noah)
  2. Terms of the Ed-Fi Community Intellectual Property Disclosure Policy 
    1. Intellectual Property Slides (Sean)
  3. Old Business - since we last spoke...
    1. Charter updated and “smart goaled” for 2021 (Sean & Noah)
    2. Extensions review CWG Extensions Inventory (Marcos)
      1. Marcos to have discussions with some groups to identify themes to bring back to CWG
      2. Some collaboratives desire certification of in-progress grades in addition to final grades 
        1. INsite (Rosh) would like a follow up discussion with NM (Happy)
        1. Individual gradebook assignment scores; SIS should be source rather than LMS, but not every assignment is in LMS - will need to support both LMS integrations/methodologies. This is complex with need to override sync issues. Data governance challenges come forward as well.
        2. NM -  gradebook in PowerTeacher which is a module within PowerSchool. About a month after the end of the semester (to give time for make-up testing and grade changes), Erin "stores" the grades which means syncs the final grades to PS's historical grades area.  It's only at that point that we send the grades from PS to Illuminate.  For the early warning report, I would much prefer to have the data come from PowerTeacher.
        3. How Ed-Fi is looking at LMS Grade https://tecdocs.ed-fi.org/display/EDFITOOLS/LMS+Unifying+Data+Model
        4. LMS toolkit new release is coming out 5.13.21 to address student assignment and other data. Need field testing to see if this helps solve the problems and/or needs more improvement. 
        5. There is a starter kit for student participation and engagement coming out by August that will build on the LMS tool kit. Need testers for that. 
        6. Metro-Nashville may have information/solutions re LMS issues. 
    3. Updates to Collabs 2021 Snapshot (Sean)
      1. Add in updates for Ed-Fi to identity need for support
  4. New Business
    1. What’s New, What’s Happening (Sherod)
      1. Exchange Live June 9-10
        1. What is needed for a district to benefit from and be successful in a collaborative (conditions for success)
        1. Collaboratives Breakouts June 10 @ 2 PM (regional)
        2. Cross-collaborative breakout is an option as well
        3. Would like more time to share and learn -- need to identify what topics would be good to focus on
        4. Onboarding and Expansion
        5. Have some of the Collabs who have been at this for more than a year just talk about the things that might do starting out that they wish they would have known.  June Marcel and S-CAP could do this
        6. Enabling networking among collaborative members not typically on these calls
      2. 2 member events:
        1. FLCODE Summit
        2. San Diego Co DoE Data Science Summit
      3. Upcoming:
        1. CREC planning convening 
        2. NE Consortium - ExLive breakout & Fall convening
    2. Priority Use Cases & Starter Kit releases (Sean)
      1. See table. All are welcome to consider/review/use any of these (through Ed-Fi Community access)
        1. Chronic Absenteeism Starter Kit   https://edfi.atlassian.net/wiki/display/SK/Chronic+Absenteeism+Starter+Kit
        2. LMS Toolkit--CREC may implement due to state requirement for virtual classroom

          Chronic Absenteeism v1

          Ready - needs folks to try/use it

          Family Engagement MVP

          Ready - needs folks to try/use it

          (FYI Learner Profile 2ndary use case)

          Assessment v1

          Multiple Measures data  - release date 5/28

          LMS Toolkit

          LMS data extract tool - release date 5/13

          (student assignment data - participation, engagement focus)

    3. Discussion items (Sean, all)
      1. Our CWG backlog - see FIF/Fizz example
      2. Gnarly topic #1 - “use case collision” AKA SEA & LEA/collabs live in harmony
        1. Local interoperability use cases have different data requirements versus state context
        2. Difficult for vendor to support
        3. To understand the dimensions and develop sub-group (along with SEA WG) both tactical and community-wide. 

        4. Interest in joining Collison work group - Don Daily

  5. Recap - Opportunities to Dig In!
    1. Use the Slack channel  # workgroup-collaboratives
    2. Update your growth/plans Snapshot Sheet
    3. Inventory extensions w/ Marcos’ help  extensions review
    4. Try (or find a member LEA to try) a starter kit
    5. Interested in use case collision subgroup? Ping Sean

Next Meeting: TBD

Last updated  

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