ESA Work Group Meeting - 2024-09-27
Meeting Materials
Meeting Norms
Initial Priorities
ESA Playbook (draft)
These note complement the slide deck above and make the most sense when read along with the deck.
Mission of work group
Connect community, collect feedback, provide ability to scale
Provide directions and strategies, feedback on tech roadmap, prioritization
Nexus OR
Started implementing Ed-Fi
CREC - long-term Ed-Fi support
Started project 3 years ago
Large service agency
Started Ed-Fi last year
District previously implemented Ed-Fi
Launching data hub at regional level
Launching ODS to provide data to school districts
Meeting Norms
Limiting membership to ESA staff for open conversations; vendor partners are members of separate Ed-Fi community groups
Agenda topics collected from members and prioritized for next meetings
Meetings are not recorded except for demos
Summarized meeting notes and previous Collaborative Work Group notes are available in Tech Docs - platform for members to collaborate on topics
Meeting cadence
Start with monthly cadence
Doodle Poll will be sent to set schedule for next 3-4 months
May break out to special interest group for topics requiring timely turnaround
Discussion scope and strategy
Will address issues not just at the tip of the iceberg but also longer term issues to provide strategies and support
Initial Priorities
Most issues are not technical issues. Most relate to process, organization, strategic, understanding what’s working/what’s not working
Vendor Support and Involvement with data standards
Layering additional services
Working with or without your state
Finding use cases that scale
Business Planning for success
Timing expectations between ideation and sustainability
Mike M - how ESAs engage with districts during implementation; making sure there’s strong plan, especially around data validation
A lot of use cases are often not Ed-Fi standard, often extensions
ESA Playbook
Feedback from the last Ed-Fi Tech Congress was that Ed-Fi should be more prescriptive in providing best practices and guidelines.
SEA Playbook published State Education Agencies - Implementation Playbookarchived
Tech Provider Playbook published
Looking for feedback from members
Main purpose
For new ESA to learn and follow best practices
Allows going back to the SEA, vendors, and districts for them to better align to make ESAs successful
Slide 7 - additional use case is local accountability / dashboards that communicate with community
Implementation Section
Intended audience is high level director to distribute among their team
Knowing who are the MSP, who to talk to, would be helpful for organization to start with
Not all states provide the same level of support for Ed-Fi; suggest add slide to show different roles state can play
David - could be a KB article for deeper dive
Bigger question for ESA to get SIS onboard, if state is not implementing
Interested in how to talk to SIS, e.g. PowerSchool
Interested in community negotiation power with SIS
Most states are conducive to one standard, but others would not advocate for 1 standard and/or 1 vendor
Colorado is: Infinite Campus, Powerschool, Alma, and GoEdustar
Kentucky has one: Infinite Campus
There's definitely an interest in the benefits of a single standard, even if a single SIS is out of the picture for local control reasons
Districts using Ed-Fi because it enables local control use case, longitudinal database
Sharing of district facing communication resources
Small understandable communications/collaterals
David - Texas Exchange is onboarding districts and may be able to share experience
Taxas Exchange - we will be happy to share
CREC has 2 types of communications we can share
Already ready to participate
Action Items
David to send out poll to priority initial agenda topics
Ann to send Doodle Poll to schedule monthly meetings
Members to review and provide feedbacks for ESA Playbook (Draft)