2022-08-24 Collaborative Work Group Meeting
2022-08-24 Collaborative Work Group Meeting
First Name | Last Name | Organization |
Marcos | Alcozer | Ed-Fi Alliance |
Josh | Allen | Denver Public Schools and Charters |
Noah | Bookman | Education Analytics |
Dirk | Bradley | Michigan DataHub |
Taylor | Brown | NEFEC |
Sean | Casey | Ed-Fi Alliance |
Julia | Cook | MOREnet |
Matthew | Criscenzo | INsite |
Rosh | Dhanawade | Education Analytics |
Michelle | Farell | Ed-Fi Alliance |
Daniel | Hornsby | FLCODE |
Sherod | Keen | FLCODE |
June | Marcel | Colorado Rural Education Collaborative |
Happy | Miller | New Mexico Collaborative |
Jeff | Miller | SC DDGG |
Michael | Minuto | MSDF |
Ivan | Moore | MOREnet |
Nandu | Nair | Walla Walla Public Schools |
Nicole | Page | NRP Consulting |
Jeff | Pendill | Texas Education Service Center - Region 10 |
Eric | Rindal | Walla Walla Public Schools |
Molly | Stewart | INsite |
Leslie | Taylor | Education Nexus Oregon |
Michael | Watson | NOLA Public Schools |
John | Watson | San Diego County Office of Education |
Lyria | Zeh | MSDF |
Support: Nancy Wilson, Ann Su - Ed-Fi Governance Support
The meeting was held on 2022-08-24, 2:30-3:30pm CT, via WebEx
Refer to this presentation deck for additional details on the meeting minutes and discussions.
Meeting recording LINK
- Summit (5 min)
- Registration/Hotel check in, Reminder on CWG session, Pulse check on Sunday arrivals
- Subcommittee updates and focus areas (~35 min)
- LEA Engagement Group (Molly and Sherod)
- Challenge engaging people to understand and use the technology
- Opportunity to make progress in the collaboratives
- Bridge among different roles within the LEAs/collaboratives
- Increase stakeholder buy-in refers to group members
- Also can refer to people in the field buying-in to use of Ed-Fi (Eric)
- Possible goal is to communicate within the collaborative to have instructional type mind that lead and engage program officers in the district and help technologists communicate with program staff – How to better get instructional minds engaged in the work
- Sharing on Slack channels information such as what SIS Collaborative Work Group member agencies are engaging with
- NMPED interested in getting involved
- SEA Liaison Group (Mike Watson)
- Concrete goals to be set by the sub-committee
- Playbook to guide engagement
- Proxy in the SEA work group
- Business profile on different types of customers engaged
- SIS Challenges and Opportunities (Noah)
- Goal is to think about ways our kind of organization engage the SIS vendors, leverage on collective voice
- May prioritize a small number of SIS vendors to make progress
- Work in Texas is creating a push to work with SIS vendors and maximize the productivity of our shared voice
- 3 scenarios re our members current work with SIS vendors
- State not attending Ed-Fi
- State effort separate from this effort
- Local/State collaborative
- Want to create clear goals and leverage our work group voice
- Next steps
- Survey to determine how these groups are formed with which members and what the priorities will be
- Which group is most interesting to you?
- Leaders will be reaching out with meeting times, where the first meeting will be used to develop measurable subgoals around the overarching goal
- In light of the existence of subcommittees and their meeting frequency, whole group sessions will move to quarterly sessions. The next meeting will be held at the Summit, Sunday, 11/6, in the afternoon (time TBD)
- LEA Engagement Group (Molly and Sherod)
- Share out (~20 min)
- Best practice sharing from one of our members (June)
- Process Vision for Engaging Smaller LEAs
- Refer to June’s PPT for additional notes
Action Items:
- Lyria to follow up with June about best point of contacts for her to reach out to
- Members to respond to the Subcommittee survey by Monday, 8/29/2022.
- Michelle to send out survey results to subcommittees leads
Next Meeting:
- Whole group - in person at summit
- Subcommittee - will be decided and managed by subcommittee leaders
Last updated
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