Tech Review Kick-off 2019-07-09 Meeting notes




  • Sub group activity updates
  • Review group goals
  • Next Steps

Discussion items

Sub group Activity UpdatesItzel Torres
  • User Experience subgroup: User Experience - Student Discipline notes, will be using the experience canvas to start organizing requirements among user personas and stakeholders. Will start with a canvas with all initial notes and we will split out into discrete canvas to capture each desired experience.
    • We have some initial notes to sift through this week.
  • Ed-Fi Dashboard Evaluation subgroup: Ed-Fi Dashboards Evaluation, group  

 Group Goals Itzel Torres
  •  Need to evaluate the Bootcamp - Installing & Using the Analytics Middle Tier
    • What are the limitations of this approach? 
    • Can we built upon this for the core reporting and visualization offering?
  • Define and deliver a roadmap for what the core reporting and visualization offering from the alliance should be:
    • How much should the core offering cover? A view like approach where we make consuming data from the ODS easier or do we need to take it a step further and add more features and pre-calculated metrics/data mart/etc? 
    • The proposed libaries listed on the criteria page - Reporting and Visualization Toolset seem to be a better fit for the metric/data mart bucket, tools like PowerBI, Tableau and Google data are more suited for the analytics middle tier approach. 

Next StepsItzel Torres
  • We will use our next working session to review the Google data studio that Marcos Alcozer is currently using. The session will give us some insight into other options for those that want an easier way to consume ODS data to "slice and dice" themselves.
  • Itzel Torres will keep track of technical concerns, like "Authorization/Authentication", we will capture these and explore options/limitations while the user experience and the Ed-Fi dashboard sub groups work through their work. 
  • Create a private subgroup slack channel.
  • Send Itzel Torres any technical issues that we want to track and dig deeper into.